A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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.PLZ don't kill me considering what happened last chapter I need to live !!!!!


Cammie POV

.It had been a week since... well you know. I was still recovering and Zach had been at my side the whole time. When I say that I mean he had to sleep within eight feet of me and waited outside the bathroom every time I took a shower or went to the bathroom. I wasn't complaining at all, but I knew he was hurting just as much as me.

I woke up in Zach's arms and he was just watching me with a concerned look on his face. He looked deeply into my eyes and said, "You were talking about the baby in your sleep. Cam, I know you say your okay, but it's okay to not be."

I looked into his eyes as tears entered mine, "I am sad, and afraid. We lost our baby and I'm afraid that I'm going to fail again."

"Oh Cam. Babe, this just wasn't the right time. We are going to be okay."

"Zach THIS is why I was afraid to have sex in the first place. Remember, I was afraid I wasn't going to be good enough? Look what has happened, I wasn't good enough."

At this point the tears were a river down my face. His eyes softened and he took hold of my hand and said, "Look if you want we can try again. Do you see our hands?" I just nodded as he said, "As long as my hand can touch yours I will forever be happy. Yes, I would love a Eli or Reilly Beth, but I don't need them. All I need is you, forever and always."

I whispered a small, "I love you" before kissing him. When I pushed into him he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer. He tried prying my mouth open, and finally I gave up and let him in. He won the battle for dominance and rolled on top of me. He started to kiss his way down to my neck and I groaned as I said, "Zach, they're going to find us."

He either was to lost in thought or didn't care because he just kept kissing me. I decided to let him go ahead and anyone with a problem could deal with it. Well I never thought that person would be my mother. Ya, my mom caught me about to have sex. This officially takes the spot for most awkward moment in my life. Did I forget to mention she wasn't alone. Joe was with her.

"Okay," she said as she cleared her throat, " wow. I can see y'all really miss that baby. Zach sweetheart did you forget there's a meeting that you guys are supposed to go to. An did you also forget it takes place in this room in three minutes?"

I glared at Zach and he quoted Liz with a "Oopsy daisy!"

I glanced at Zach and he just smirked back. "Ya, sorry mom. Let me just get ready and everyone can come in in like five."She just smiled at me then said, "Five minutes and then you better be ready. I don't want to walk in on you two doing it again. Got it?" she just turned and left and Joe glared at Zach before he shut the door.

Zach waited five seconds and rolled back on to me. He smiled his devilish smile and said, "They gave us five minutes. We could make that work."

I pushed him off of me with a small groan and moved to get dressed. He wasn't going to let me do that so he grabbed my hips and pulled me back down.

"Zach," I whined. He kissed my neck and made his way up to my mouth.

"Zach, we now have three minutes to get ready. Do you know what would happen if they caught us?" He stopped kissing me then looked into my eyes.

"Fine, but you owe me later," he stated.


Five minutes later I thought I heard something outside my door so I oped it. Big mistake, Bex and Grant were pushed up against a wall and making out like I never seen anyone do before.

"How come I'm always the one to catch you?"

Bex pulled away and lowered herself as she glared at me and said, "I catch you and Zach all the time. Matter-of-fact, I caught you in a thong and Victoria Secret bra!"

"First of all, Zach and I have been together since forever, and we are engaged, plus I was carrying his child," I said.

"Fine, you win. Just so you know, I was never caught by my mom and father figure."

Bex and Grant moved into the room and I just stood there in shock at how fast news travels. Zach came up to me and slipped his arms around his waist. Then whispered in my ear, "Just so you know Gallagher Girl, you owe me tonight."

I shivered and my muscles tightened. He knew that he was making me antsy right now and I guess that's why he said it. Bex went and sat on her bed with Grant and it turned into a make out session in like two minutes. Zach glanced over and said, "Loves in the air, we could try again you know."

"I think we should wait on the kids part of the situation. We can still be in honey moon stage, but maybe would should use protection."

Zach seemed surprised to hear me say this then he smirked and pulled my waist towards him.

"I could use protection, or do you want to?"

I laughed and hit his head, but as I did so he reached down and kissed me. I kissed back and he pulled me closer. Then he grabbed under my thigh making me groan and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist then stopped.

"Zachy, control yourself." I said. Zach looked at me with a plea then went and sat on Bex's bed. He pulled Grant off of Bex and said, "If I can't neither can you."

Grant laughed but got off of Bex. It was prefect timing because right as they straightened themselves out the rest of the gang walked in. Macey and Preston, Liz and Jonas, and Joe and mom. Joe glared at Zach and said to him, "Me and you are going to talk later. Let me just make this clear, you will be pleading for mercy."

Everyone laughed but Zach and Joe, then my mom announced, "Okay everyone, its time for Cuba. Today, Sunday you should pack or a least start, because you leave on Friday. Let me just tell you, Cuba wants these missals. Y'all need to diffuse them and take them. I know its hard, but you should be able to do it."

I just thought to myself, wow we have a broken heart and a hard mission. Zach hugged me and I knew he knew I was still sad. My mother walked out, but on her way out she motioned for me to come with her. Zach and I started to get up, but then she gave me a look and Zach stayed. We walked all the way down to her (soundproof) office and she sat down on the couch.

"Have you told him yet?" she asked.

"No, and I don't want to. don't worry I will, I just don't want to at all."

"Cameron Ann Morgan! What the heck are you doing?! He deserves to know. Besides if you don't tell him, he's gonna figure out on his own. if he does, guess who will be coming home early?"

"Mom, I have my reason. Besides I'm safe, the girls know and they know to look out for me," I defended.

"Fine, as long as you tell him."

"He doesn't know yet, but he will."

I walked out of my moms office and leaned against the hallway wall. Zach came out of the blue and picked me up carrying me like a princess.

"So Gallagher Girl, what do I not know?"

I turned around and saw my mother and friends with a smirk on there faces.

"If I tell you, do you promise to let me go on the mission and to not be mad?"

"I promise," he said while holding his hand up like a boy scout.

I just sighed and cursed my friends as I said, "Well..."

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