A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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.I like pickles.... jk they're meh!


Cammie POV

.We came back to the Academy after living through what I called hell. The girls made Zach and I go baby shopping. Some people would think that since we didn't have to pay it would be fine. Ya, well if you think its okay apparently you haven't been shopping with a McHenry and a Baxter at the same time. Zach looked like he was in world war 3 and it was funny to watch him go into a baby boutique. As we brought everything into the foyer of the academy I looked at him and laughed.

"Now you see what they put me through every time I try to go out, or go on a date with you."

"I am so so sorry," Zach said sincerely which only made me laugh harder.

"Its no big deal. Its worth it, ten times over."

He just smirked and brought me into a kiss. Before it could turn into a make out session in the middle of the foyer I pulled anyway and said, "Next time we are staying home, and they can do the shopping."

"I give it two thumbs up. We do need to talk about some things though."

I smiled at him and said, "Let go then!"

I quickly pulled his hand and lead him down to a secret passage way. When I rotated a small rock a lever appeared. Pushing on the lever revealed a small door way in which I pulled Zach into. When I ran down the passageway I stopped in front of a glass window that over looked the whole campus and the lake. He looked at me and said, "How did I get the privilege of being the husband of the most talented person in the world?"

I just frowned and said, "Okay, what did you do, and what do I have to do to fix it?"

"Nothing, nothing. I just need to talk to you. First off, if you go on the mission, we have to sneak you out. Secondly, the boys are mad that we are already married and they aren't even engaged, so we need to help with the proposals. Lastly, Imayormaynothaveboughtahouseforus." he said in one breath.

"You did what?!" I practically screamed

"Actually it's a mansion," he said with a 'matter-of-fact' tone

"Zach! You bought a mansion! Do you realize how much that cost?!" I was screaming at this point

"Gallagher Girl, calm down. First off the CIA gave us a lot of money for defeating the COC. Secondly it was only 500,000 dollars, which is major cheep for a mansion. Lastly, I didn't do it alone.""Wait, mom helped you buy a mansion that isn't going to be used to its full potential?"

"No, Grant, Jonas, and Preston helped. Matter-of-fact Preston paid for most of it."

"Zach, I'm sorry for getting mad," I said as I started crying then added, "Please explain more. Also remind me to get Liz to make something to lower my hormone level."

Zach just laughed and pulled me to his chest hugging me tight then I said, "Wait, why did y'all be the house for us?"

"See, that's where I think your going to be super happy. Its for all four of our families. It can fit us all easily, and we can always stay close."(HI THERE, I READ THIS IDEA OF THEM ALL LIVING TOGETHER, AND IM SORRY TO THE PERSON WHO THUGHT OF IT. I CANT PASS UP THE IDEA THOUGH! I REALLY HOPE YOU DON'T MIND!)

"That's why they're proposing, " I said finally putting all the dots together.

"So my Gallagher Girl, are you ready for this?"

"Which part? Giving birth, living with my roommates and your roommates in one house, having three girls at once, or the fact that when Blackthorn does another exchange and our girls are here we are going to have to deal with them, and boys? So Zach, I think you're the one who needs to get ready. I had Joe Solomon my mother, and oh ya, BEX, and you still managed to get to me. Your gonna have three girls."His face went ghostly white then he put on his mission face and said, "Oh no! there is no way in hell I'm letting any boy get near our girls!" then he looked at my stomach and said, "If any of you kisses a boy before your married, I will kill him."

I just laughed then said, "Hun, you got me pregnant before we were married."

He looked at me and said, "Your messing with me aren't you?""Babe, you cant get so protective over them. One of them is bound to end up with someone like you. Just relax," I stated then pulled him into a kiss. It was nothing fancy, just a small what I call 'Liz and Jonas kiss'. When I pulled away I used his smirk against him and we walked out of the passage way hand in hand.


When I got up to my room with Zach I opened the door to, well chaos. All the girls looked super happy, and the boys looked proud. Macey came running up to me and held up her hand. On it was a beautiful ring. Then Preston chimed in, "Sorry Zach, you two were taking your time so I decided to ask her."


"Congrats! You deserve it," I said hoping I could get out before Mace and Bex got an idea. Apparently I was too late because she said, "Somebody get a bottle, I think we should play a game."

Well as soon as she said game Bex was even more bouncing off the walls and no ready to crush her opponent.

"Macey, do I have to? My hormones have been up lately and I want to go to bed." I whined

"Heck no! Ok we are going to play a fun little game called Truth or Dare. Here are the rules, no backing out of anything! Now lets play" she practically squealed.

I was smirking inside because I knew one way I could get out of this. I had a surprise that would probably end the game, or it could just make it more intense. We all sat in a circle except for Grant who needed a 'snack'. I grabbed the bottle and spun it so it would land on Bex as everyone else got in a circle.

"Okay, Bex. This time you don't get a choice, because I dare you to go open our door," I made sure to make my husband proud when I smirked. Macey just gave me a questioning look as Bex moved over to the door. I could tell she had no clue what was going on. When she opened the door her hand flew to mouth. Grant was on one knee holding a black velvet box, with a gorgeous ring inside.

"Rebecca Baxter, the first time I laid eyes on you, I new I had to make you mine. Little did I know you would be the girl I feel madly in love with. I would do anything in the world for you, and I just want one thing in return. Will you please be my Mrs. Newman?"

By this time Bex was crying and shaking her head 'yes' because I guess she couldn't talk yet. She then threw herself into his arms crying, which was weird because she never cried. We all started clapping and saying congratulations and they walked back in hand in hand.

The rest of the night we just talked about random stuff all content to be with each other until Bex screamed, "Grant, what about my dad?"

His face went deathly white then he said, "Maybe we should get married first..."


The next day we all were eating breakfast in the Grand Hall when Jonas came in holding a sheet of paper. When we asked what it was he said it was a code where every number equals a letter. That happens to be Liz's favorite type of code, and that's why she asked if she could help.

"Sure Lizzy, you could probably figure it out faster. Here, you try."

Liz beamed and took the paper, and we all towered over trying to see what it said. She translated for us saying, "First word, 'Will". Second word...ummm, oh its 'you'. Third word 'marry'. Last word 'me'."

She then put it all together stating, "It wasn't that hard. Just 'Will you marry me'. Jonas, why did you need he-. OMG!"

Li said finally putting it all together. Jonas was now getting on one knee with a ring in hand.

"Will you be the best thing that's ever happened to me, and be my wife. I love you Lizzy." He said with tears in his eyes as she say a quite, "I love you too, and would be honored."

They shared a small (or long for their record) kiss that actually lasted for more than 7 seconds then hugged.

I turned to the group and said, "Now, we can all move into the mansion. Secondly, one of you needs to get pregnant because I don't want my girls to grow up without on or more of your kids."

Bex and Macey both gave me a sheepish smile and said, "Ya Cam, about that...."


Keep Calm And Eat Food

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