A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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I like cheeeesse


Cammie POV

By the time we got back to the mansion everybody was already in my moms office. I hadn't really been on a mission since about a month before the wedding so I felt a little out of place.

On our way running up the stairs I said, "Goodness, a girl goes to one wedding and feels fat!" Zach just smiled at me as we ran into moms office. The phone was off the hook as I knew we were speaking to Agent Adams, the head of the CIA. Everyone calls him Phil though because of a undercover mission he went on a business man named Phil. He liked the name so much he decided to keep it. The thing that really surprised me though was that Agent Townsend was standing in the corner of the room and actually didn't act weird when Zach walked in. Zach quietly walked up to him and shook his dads hand.

"We're here, talk to me," I commanded as Zach walked back over to me.

"Agent Cameron, congratulations and I hope you ready for a big one. So big I'm actually allowing agents from different fields to go on the same mission. Never the less agents Goode, Baxter, McHenry, and a friend of Agent Goode I understand will all be accompanying you in the field on this mission. Agent Sutton and another one of Agent Goode's friends will stay back and work HQ. Objectives and locations will be given on the plane, Agents McHenry and Sutton already packed for everyone, so all you really have to do is walk outside right now and get in the limo. You have fifteen minutes to be outside. Go." Then he was gone.


After I grabbed a few things that I thought I might need, I headed down to my moms office. Its ironic really, because I walked in on my mother and my old-teacher/step-dad/friend/father-figure making out with my mom on the couch. I looked at my mom and laughed, "Really, like just a few hours ago YOU were getting mad at me for making out with Zach."

"Well number one, we are both fully clothed, and two we are married!"

"Zach an I are engaged," I whined. "Really though, the reason I came in here was to say good-bye. I'm going to miss ya," I said with a smile then I added, "Don't have too much fun on your honey moon!" Then I was out the door. Zach met me in the hallway, I told him what I just saw and he chuckled knowing I was right. Once we were outside we stepped into the limo and noticed that Bex wasn't with us. Zach and I decided to go look for her and everyone else just looked through their suitcase to see what Macey and Liz packed for them.

Zach and I walked into the library then we heard a crash so being curious we walked down a hall that led to the kitchen. When I finally saw the end of the hallway I saw at the end was Bex and... Grant? They were making out and knocking things over in the process. I cleared my throat and when she turned around I stated, "Okay next time you catch me and Zach I'm going to remind you of this and by the way I do believe we have a plane to catch. Also Grant, next time your going to surprise your girlfriend make sure we aren't about to go on a mission!"

Bex looked at me and gave me the 'I'm sorry" look. I smirked and turned around hand in hand with Zach. All four of us walked back to the limo together, ready for a huge mission and the time of our lives.


On the way to the airport we started to change into our clothes so we looked more like our covers. Conveniently Zach and I were husband and wife, Macey was my cousin, and Bex and Grant were also married. By the time we got to the airport we all looked perfect. Because of the mission, we were taking a private jet so we had the luxury of not having to catch a plane. When we arrived down on the platform Agent Phil met us there. We stepped on the plane and I put my small pack on the couch claiming it for my use then Bex came and sat on my couch!

"Beeeeexxxxxx, come on that's my couch!"

"Oh really? I thought Zach was just going to come over here and you two were going to weird everyone out with your kissing. You guys get the small bedroom in the back. Mace and I will be in the other bedroom and Grant will be on the couch," she said.


"Me," Zach asked as he came up behind me and pulled me to him. I turned to him with a smirk and said, "I don't want to be tempted or seduced any way by this guy!"

"Ya, well to bad Gallagher Girl, your stuck with me," he said as he kissed my neck. Bex just gaged as I pushed Zach off. Phil had handed me a file so I started to go over it. We were headed to Paris, France and were going to have to follow and track a suspected mole (in the CIA) then go to Cube because we suspected he was working for Cuba from his place in France. Some missals were pointed to the US from Cuba. This was going to be sooooo much fun!

I was in my room by myself in a sweatshirt and panties while I put my stuff away. When I found my pajama pants I wanted to wear I started to put them on then someone put their hand on my shoulder. Naturally, I flipped them and pinned them to the ground regardless of the fact that I was only wearing panties on my lower half. When I looked down I saw Zach.

"Zach, you should know better then to sneak up on me! How did you get in here without me hearing you, actually don't answer that." He just kept smiling at me though. "What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, you just look like you would rather kiss me right now..." Then he grabbed my wrists and pulled them down so I wasn't pinning him anymore, I way laying on top of him. He kissed me and it was quick and hard and when he started to pull away I decided to push into him. He smiled under my lips, and I just wrapped my arms around his head as he started to stand up. Once we were up he shifted his weight and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He moved us over to the bed and laid me down then started kissing my neck.

"Zach, no. We can't. Not today, not now," I whispered into his ear. He looked at me with longing eyes then he pulled me close for one more quick hard kiss then let go. I smiled at him and said, "Thank you, and you I love you I just can't."

"Gallagher Girl, we have our whole life together, I can wait," he said with a smile then added under his breath, "I'm still going to try though." I hit him on the back of the head and he winced.

"Hey one of these days your going to hurt me and your going to feel bad," he said.

As I pulled my p.j. pants on I sighed and said, "Your such a baby, and incredibly incapable." then added under my breath hoping nobody would hear "Plus your extremely hot." Then I walked out the door.

"HEY! I heard that!"

Once we had unpacked I walked into the kitchen area. That's right, you read kitchen. Most people refer to this plane as 'The Bus' instead of just calling it a plane because of its huge space. It even had a down stairs lab and place for cars. When I got to the kitchen Bex was stirring a pot and Grant had his hands on her waist and his chin on her shoulder.

"Hey, you two do know we don't have to play our covers till we are on the ground right?" Bex just pushed me and said, "Says little miss sugar lips?" Then we all started laughed

The rest of the plane ride was a dozy and we tried to change our sleep patterns a little. It pretty much went the same way, Zach would try to seduce me I would get out of it, then I would catch Bex and Grant kissing and such. I would go have talks with Macey about Zach then go and fall asleep.


When we landed we went straight to the hotel. Their was a total of three rooms, Macey in one, Bex and Grant in another, and Zach and I in the last. We started to unpack then just decided to go to bed. I barley even kissed Zach before getting in bed.
Right as I was falling asleep I realized this was the first time Zach and I slept in the same bed with knowledge from both people. I figured he deserved a little more so I rolled over and kissed him. I could tell he was surprised at first then he kissed me back. When I pulled back he asked, "What was that for because just for the record its really good encouragement."

"I'm your my fiancé plus this the first official time we are sleeping together so if your not going to get it then I wanted to give you something." He just smiled at me and I ended up falling asleep in Zach's arms and with a smile on my face.


Keep Calm And Shine On

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