A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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.This is it the LAST CHAPTER!!!!


Cammie POV

.Run. Running. I was running down a dark street. A street in Rome. At the end I saw Zach, and two amazingly beautiful girls that looked to be fourteen. Being a spy I noticed the third girl about the same age as the others. She was gorgeous but somehow went unnoticed. I was still running when I turned around and noticed three man and a woman running towards me with guns. When I turned back to Zach he was holding two guns one hand extended to me. As he handed me a gun we stood there guarding the girls that I felt obliged to protect. All of the sudden I heard soothing words, "Cammie, baby... It's okay. Just wake up. Shhhh. It's okay. I'm here."

Then I noticed that they were Zach's words. I suddenly felt a protective arm around me. As my eyes fluttered open I saw Zach sitting there, next to me with a worried look on his face. I suddenly realized I'm in my room safe and sound. As I looked around the room I noticed that mom, Joe, Abby, and Ed. (A/N THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IVE CALLED TOWNSEND, ED. THIS IS WHAT IM GOING TO START CALL HIM THIS OR EDWARD). They all shared the same worried look as Zach hugged me close.

"Hey guys, could you give Cam and I a second?" Zach asked. They all seemed hesitant to leave but I think the fact that Zach was with me helped. Once they were gone he looked at me and asked, "Tell me. What was the dream about?"

I felt a big team roll down my face, but before it could drop off my chin he lightly kissed it away.

"Zach, we were in Rome. I was running then at the end of the street you stood there with two guns. There were three girls that looked about fourteen. They were gorgeous, but the third went unnoticed. There were three men and a woman chasing me. You handed me a gun and for some reason we started protecting the girls, then you woke me up," I said. I think I was more of repeating the dream to myself, I needed to hear it.

"Aw Cam... Listen, you don't need to worry. We will protect our family, and you seem to forget. Our family isn't just you me and the girls. It's the gang, your mom and aunt, Joe and Ed. Also that's just the family we are close to. Everyone at the Academy would do anything for you. While we protect each other, they have our backs," he said as he kissed me cheek.

"You really think we can do it?"

"No Gallagher Girl, I KNOW we are going to be Goode parents," he said with his signature smirk.

"If you ever repeat what I'm about to say, I will deny it," I said with all seriousness.

He just gave me a smirk and said, "Shoot Gallagher Girl."

I pulled his head towards mine as I said, "Your smirk, god, its so damn sexy."

He just laughed and went ahead and kissed me. We sat there kissing with our tongues fighting for dominance when I heard a noise coming from the door way.

"I'm aware that y'all are still in the honey moon stage, but isn't it smart to let the babies breath. I mean, unless Zach you want your daughters to know how to hold their breath for extended periods of time. And before you say that's good, remember that would mean she could kiss a guy for a lot longer," Bex said. His face went from smirk to boiling anger in a very short period of time.

"Oh, HELL NO! There is no way in hell that anyone of our daughters is going to even like a boy till she's at least thirty. We need to start planning and-" Zach said until I cut him off with a nice, "Zach honey, I know your feeling this way, but you need to shut up. Okay?"

"Fine, but if anyone hurts my babies I swear, they will wish they were dead."

"That's okay. Understand though that I had my mother, ABBY, and SOLOMON! Not to mention I had Bex and Macey, and you still got to me. So yes its going to be hard but remember we have me, you, all the aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, so I think you have nothing to worry about. Okay?"I could tell he was reluctant when he grumbled, "Fine."

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