A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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.I like pie


Cammie POV

.I surprised Zach and jumped out of his arms. I sprinted off down the hallway and could hear his footsteps behind me. Zach was bigger and faster but I was The Chameleon. I found one of my favorite secret passage ways, but when I stepped inside I got a weird feeling. I started to walk down the hallway to a door that lead to my room. When I started to open it I was pulled inside and quickly attacked. I tried to fight back but there was four of them, and they knew what to do. I was eventually strapped to a chair, and when I saw my attackers I laughed."Kiddo, did you really think you could get away with lying to me?" my mom said then continued, "I know that you didn't tell the girls or Zach, and I know that they really want to know. I'm going to force you to tell the girls and they will help with Zach."

I just glared at Bex and Macey who had a satisfied look on their faces. When I looked at Liz she just said, "I'm pretty sure I already know. You should tell them."

"Okay, fine. Y'all win. I faked the miscarriage, and I'm still pregnant. I was actually bleeding that night which was really convenient because I didn't want to fake bleed, but I had the doctor lie to all of you. I'm sorry, I just REALLY want to finish this mission."

Bex and Macey just looked at each other and said, "You know Cam, for a spy you suck at hiding things. So when do we tell Zach? We could do it in a super cute way, or we could just tell him when he runs un here in 37 seconds."

"We don't, now I got to go lie to the love of my life."

I walked out of the room to see Zach standing there at the end of the hall waiting for me. I glanced over at some loud students then when I turned back Zach was running full speed at me. I didn't have time to react so when he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder I just tried to keep my composer. He started running back to his room and kept his hand on my upper thigh knowing I was full of butterflies. He entered his room and threw me on the bed as he shut the door and turned on the soundproof walls. He then came and pinned me to the bed and straddled my waist.

"So Gallagher Girl, are you going to tell me or am I going to have to torture you?"

"I don't know Blackthorn Boy, depends on your methods of torture," I giggled at the end

He smirked at me and said, "Why don't I just show you?" Then he lowered his head to my neck and started kissing. Every now and then he would let his tongue slip out and then he would nip at my skin. I tried to hold back my moans but he was able to get a few out of me. I frowned and said, "Zach, please this isn't fair...not fair."

Apparently that only encouraged him and he started to make his kissed travel south. He pulled on my shirt and revealed a little area on my breast right where my bra didn't cover. He started to give me a hickey and I finally gave up.

"Fine, you win. You totally broke rules, but you win."

"Don't I always?" Then he got off of me and said, "Spill!"

"You wont be mad? Okay, you know the night I had a miscarriage? Well yes I really was bleeding, but I didn't have a miscarriage. I had the doctors lie to you and everyone, then I faked being sad. I don't want to stop my life for a baby you don't want. I know you say you do love it, but really its going to hold you back," I said with a sigh and looked at the ground.

Zach took two fingers and lifted my chin so I had to look at him and said, "Cam you are the number ONE thing I love and this baby will be a super close number TWO. I love both of you so much and you would never hold me back. We are going to have a Reilly Beth or Eli running around!"

At this point I was crying out of joy and then I looked at Zach and kissed him. When I pulled back I smiled then whispered, "I won't ever love anything more than you. You are my hero."

This time Zach kissed me and quickly it turned into a make out session. We rolled back onto the bed and he moved so that I was on top. Then I remembered that the girls would be looking for me, and I pulled away from Zach.

"We have to stop. You are already on bad terms with Solomon and I don't think the baby thing will be any better for you."

Zach just laughed and got out from under me. He stole one kiss before going and getting ready.


When we were done getting ready I started to make our way down to the Grand Hall. Zach touched my stomach every now and then still a little freaked out that a human was inside me. When we walked into the grand hall I freaked. Apparently news travels fast because there was banners saying "Happy Engagement!" and "Congrats on the Baby!"

I glared over at my mom who just laughed then pointed to Macey.

We partied all night, and opened presents. I got so many baby gifts, then Macey Bex and Liz handed me a card. When I opened it I saw a Victoria Secret gift card and a room key. I looked at my mom and they all said, "We know your not a virgin, plus its all for the honey moon. Besides it's not like Zach minds."

I blushed and then felt Zach come up behind me and he whispered, "Speaking of which, you still owe me."

I glared at Bex and said, "Thanks...now he was reminded. Yay."

"Reminded of what? You guys should be sleeping in different rooms and Cameron shouldn't be pregnant," I heard Joe say from behind me. Then he took the Victoria Secret gift card and room key and said, "You wont be needing these."

I just shook my head and snatched them back as I said, "Zach and I are engaged, I'm carrying his child, and your with my mother. That's right, I pulled the 'you married my mother' card. You are way over protective," but I smiled at him never the less.


That night I stayed at Zach's and we didn't have sex or make out for more than five minutes or anything. I fell asleep while in his arms and watching my all time favorite show, Pretty Little Liars. A marathon was on so we watched like half a season. I dreamt about Zach's and my children and our life together. Tomorrow was the ultrasound that would tell us what we were having. I was ready, and excited.


I woke up in Zach's arms. We didn't waste anytime and got ready in three minutes flat. He carried me piggy-back style down to the hospital wing and we had the ultrasound taken.

"So would like to know the sex of your baby, or should I say babies?" the doctor said.

I gasped and looked at Zach as tears entered my eyes.

"Zach, we are having not one miracle but two!" I practically screamed then added, "Yes please tell us!"

"Well, it looks like you are having two girls!"

Zach just smiled and said, "I think I'm going to have to get Solomon to teach me how to be an over protective dad."

I just started laughing and crying at the same time then said, "Reilly Elizabeth will be called Reilly Beth, and the second one can be called Alexis Jayne but we can call her Lexi Jayne."

Zach smiled at me with tears in his eyes and said, "My three beautiful girls, my three little spies."


I am so awsm

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