Chapter 2 - Not Crazy, But Delirious

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Delirious's POV

I got out a bowl, and poured my cereal in it. The cereal looked as if it was already drenched in milk, and why I think that is because it made a slop sound.. Gross. Why the hell do I have to eat this shit? Oh yea! Because I'm fucking poor, and I can't get a job. Luckily Luke is there for me.. With a sigh, I went on and grabbed the milk, and turned on the Tv on the counter. I took my bowl and the milk to the table. I then poured the milk into the bowl, and grabbed my spoon.

"Mm.. Yummy.." I said sarcastically. I wouldn't be eating this if it wasn't the only thing in the apartment. Seriously, who ever made this. This is fucking gross. Then the music of the news came on, grabbing my attention. My eyes looked up at the T.V instead of this slop I call breakfast.

"Welcome back to News 20." The woman spoke in a happy, and serious toned voice. I took a bite out of my gross cereal, and chewed it slowly. It was like, already wet bread in a box, mixed with milk.

"Today's story.. A Man Falling from the Sky?" The picture popped up on the screen, suddenly making me spit out my chewed up mush, and milk.

PAUSE! Heh... Hey! My name is Jonathan Denis, also known as Delirious. I am a crazy person that came from a mental hospital, that's where I got my nickname Delirious. Honestly the doctors said I'm cured, but I always end up being a bit on the crazy-nut side. My father was Jason Voorhees, cool right? I know.. But we never really talk. Not after what happened anyway. I was around 10 when I was sent away by my mother to the mental hospital. It's all because I told her 'I see dead people', and she thought I was crazy! It was just a joke mom... Jesus. Anyway, I met a lot of fun people there anyway. I can't really remember them though.. Plus, I also kinda murdered them while they were showering. It was a great place to do it. But anyway! Let's get back to the story!

My eyes widened as I stared at the TV. Milk dripped from my mouth, as it was wide open. A man? Really? Are people starting to see things too? Awesome! I'm no longer alone! THANK GOD!

"Now time to turn to our man out by the Trickston hospital... Craig?" The woman said. The man with a pair of glasses was looking over a paper.

"Um... OH! Yes, yes.. Hello everyone! I'm, um.. I'm new to this, um.. So forgive me. But, um.." He sounded very nervous. Making me slightly smirk a bit. I loved when people sounded this way. And I love how they scream for help and... How their guts spill out of their stomachs and..

"So we are here at the Trickston hospital. Um.. Currently there is the mysterious man inside, and oh! Look there's a doctor! Excuse me..! Excuse me!!" He seemed to shout for the doctor. They raced over to him.

"So sir... Do you have any detail on the man in the hospital?" He asked the doctor.

"Well.. It appears he had weird like bones sticking out of his back. We are not sure what these are but we will go into deeper investigation and talk about it later." The doctor talked into the mic. I was very interested in meeting this man who fell from the sky.. Because, now I can show the doctors I'm not crazy. I let out a sudden laugh.

"Hmm... I'm glad to know I'm not going nuts anymore! I mean.. Now I can call everyone Delirious! Nah, nah.. That would be terrible! I'll start responding to everyone!" I chuckled then gasped. Holy shit I might be still crazy.. I wiped the milk away from my lip.

"I have to meet this man... AT ONCE!!" I shot up from my seat, and pulled my mask down to cover my face. I rushed to the door, and opened it quickly.

"Teddy! Hold down the fort till I get back with our new visitor!!" I yelled for my favorite little stuffed bear. Teddy was my favorite stuffed animal in the world! I will never trade him away.. Not even for a weapon! And I love me some weapons..

Once I got down to the hospital it was fucking flooded with News cars and people. Holy fuck, will I ever get to see him? I took off my mask, and placed it on the side passenger seat. So I didn't seem like a murderer, or some crazy man off the streets. I mean everyone would be afraid of me right? Maybe I could scare people away? No.. That's too much people.. I calmed myself from thinking too much, got out of my car, closed the door, and started to walk towards the crowd. Don't draw too much attention to your self Jonathan.. I entered into the crowd, looking at all the people so interested into this latest news story. There was this man that stood out from the crowd. He kept his head down, and wore a detective type of style. His hat covered most of his face so I could really see who it was. I stopped in my place, and watched him. His lips moved a little bit, possibly talking to himself like I do... Then he started to push his way through the crowd. And he was going to... The entrance of the hospital. I hope no one had the same idea of taking this new toy home. I started to push everyone out of the way, and hurried to the entrance of the hospital. The guy must of saw me, and knew what I was doing. Because he started to pick up the pace as well. For fuck sake.. I then made it to the entrance if the hospital, where the cops were blocking the entrance. When I tried to shuffle towards the door, they stopped me. I told them who I was seeing but..

"Sorry sir.. You can't go in, and see the mysterious man."

"N-no..! I know him! He's uh... He's um.. He's a friend of mine! Yea, I was just babysitting his pet turtle while he went... Uh.. Skydiving!" I felt like I was sweating bullets. If this cop was smart, he wouldn't believe me. His eyebrow raised at me, as he leaned towards my face. I gave him an awkward smile, feeling my stomach suddenly fill with butterflies.

"Hm.. Alright. I guess? Go on in sir.." They gestured towards the entrance. So they are that stupid.. I asked the nurse to take me to the mysterious man's room. She agreed because I told her the same story I told the cop. The people must be stupid..

We got to  the door of the room, and she let me enter. When I walked in, the man was standing at the window. He was looking around outside, clearly very interested in the outside world. I saw the bones sticking out from his back. There was a mix of feathers too.. Who the hell was this guy?

"Um... Ok.. Um, Evan. Let's go home.." I began to walk towards him. He suddenly turned around, his eyes narrowed towards me. His glare sent chills down my spine.

"Who in the hell is Evan?" He took a step towards me. I chuckled a bit awkwardly, knowing the nurse was probably sitting by the door.

"Oh... You're very silly Evan, come on.. Let's just get you home.." I smiled at him. He gave me a confused look.

"You mean take me back to the Owl Realm?" He blinked a couple times. What the hell is 'Owl Realm'? I nodded slowly.

"Yes! Yes... Yea, let's just go.." I slowly grabbed his arm, and began to lead him out of the room. Who ever this man is... He must be more crazier than me!

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