Chapter 11 - New Clothes

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Tyler's POV

It was the next morning.. My wound still hurts like hell. God damn. I wonder if they're still looking for me. Others aren't on my realm aren't too fond of me being a half-breed. Honestly, I should of left sooner. Anyway... Craig was sitting at his dinning table eating whatever food he had. And I was just laying ehere on the blood stained couch.. I probably can't stay for long, it would put Craig in danger as well. And I'm pretty sure he is purely from the Living Realm.

"So... Tyler, where are you from?" Craig suddenly asked me, still chewing on his cereal. I sat there in silence.. What am I suppose to say?

"Somewhere.. Dangerous." I responded.

"Oh... I see.."


"Oh! That reminds me... I need to go out to get more food, and you some clothes. Because, I'm pretty sure you would rip apart my clothes.." Craig suddenly said. I sat there. He's right about the clothes.. I do need new clothes.. Also 'Blood stains' isn't really my style.

"Sounds great.." I sighed.

"You need to come with me then. I need to know the size of your clothes."

"NO! I'm not going!" My eyes widen as I shot up, pain struck where my wound was. Which my side... Fuck you too. I grunted then slowly laid back down.

"Then what's your size of clothing?" Craig got up from the dinning table and walked over to me. He leaned again the couch and looked at me with a very unamused face.

"Uh.. I don't know." I murmured, feeling my face start to burn a bit. Was I blushing...? Craig slightly smiled at me, then walked into a hallway, and disappeared for a little bit. I sat there, relieved for a bit. I don't want to go and walk around... They'll find me.

*Flash Back*

"Run Tyler!" Marcel pushed me over the fence with all his might. I fell on my wrist, and yelped in pain.

"M-Marcel..!" I stuttered, looking at his sad face.. I looked at him, grabbing onto the metal fence. His dark eyes started to tear up, and water started to run down his face.

"Jump Tyler. Go to The Living Realm. And, I'll meet you there when I get the chance." He nodded to me, then backed away slowly from the fence. Marcel! You're my best friend... Please! I stood there, not able to do anything. I then walked backwards as well then slipped. The void. The endless void... The place I was falling into. Where I had to go.

"Hey! Over here!" And those were the last words I heard Marcel say..

*End of Flash Back*

"Hey Tyler!" Craig came running out of the hallway. He had a pink jacket in his hands, and he threw it to me.

"There, also..." He threw my hat at me. Pig...

"What's this?" I looked up at him.

"It was all I had that probably will fit you. This was from my family, and I never wore it because it was too big." Craig then lightly smiled at me. His smile..

"Stop smiling." I mumbled, having that burning sensation in my cheeks. I was blushing!

"Heh... Sorry if you don't like it." He frowned a bit, but a smirk formed on his face after. I'm guessing he caught me blushing... Did he think it was cute or something? I slowly sat up so my bandaged up wound wouldn't hurt.. Then I took off my bloody shirt. It was damaged with a long cut in the side of it. I took the jacket and slipped it on. Yea it was pretty big... No wonder he didn't wear it, it would probably go down to his feet like a dress. Then I put the cap on.

"You look nice." I heard Craig say behind me. He then took my bloody shirt and threw it away.

"Now you can come with me, just keep your cap over your face and no one will notice." But what if they do notice Craig.. They will kill you. People from my realm aren't fond of "Norms". Especially if they are helping a run away. Me and Marcel... He was never suppose to die. I should of stayed with him!

"Craig... I shouldn't risk it."

"Tyler I can help you. I may be short, and weak.. But I'm pretty fast too. So don't underestimate me." He winked then took my hand into his.. I slowly stood up, and he helped.

"Fine... Let's just make this quick ok? I don't want to be out for long." Especially with blood stained jeans.
Me and Craig entered into the elevator, and we went down to the first floor. Honestly... It scares me to be out from hiding. I kept my head down so no one could see my face. There was a lot of butterflies in my stomach. What if we are too reckless? Craig... He will die.. Suddenly I see a hand take mine.. I looked over and saw Craig looking back at me. His light oak colored eyes were looking into my depressed blue ones.

"Don't worry... Ok? I promise I'll protect you." He giggled. I gripped onto his hand tighter. It's like... He was almost like... Almost like a brother.

"Thanks.." I murmured. The elevator dinged, and we exited. The entrance way was empty, except for men standing on the front desk. We started to walk for the door but then..

"Do you know if a man named Vanoss is here?"

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