Chapter 12 - Him

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Craig's POV

I stopped in my tracks. Vanoss?! My attention shot towards the three men at the desk.

"I'm sorry but... A man named Vanoss? We haven't heard of a guy named that. Sorry sir." The one with the glasses hit the desk then turned towards the door. The man at the front desk looked very shaken up.

"H-Hey! I know a man named Vanoss!" I spoke up. They suddenly looked at me with wide eyes. They came over to me, and Tyler. Then there was soft growling. My gaze looked at Tyler, seeing that his blue eyes slowly turned into an amber.

"Do you know where he is?" A guy in a bandana asked me. I nodded, and told them to follow me. All of us in a group headed back to the elevator. Honestly they looked like a strange group of men. One with green hair, another had pink sparkles and paint on the side of his face.. Wait, was that there before?The one with the flower in his hair... He seemed normal, but maybe not. We went up the elevator and it was an awkward silence.

"Excuse me." The one with the flower in his hair then lean towards Tyler. He started to whisper in his ear, and Tyler's blue eyes slowly widened as the guy was talking.

"Yea I am.." He then responded and the grip loosened around my hand. I wonder what he said..

"Hmm... Seemed like it." The elevator dinged and everyone exited out from the elevator.

Felix's POV

I knew it... The guy in the pink was from the Butcher Realm. His amber eyes gave it away. That place is sick and twisted.. All realms really didn't work with it because it was too... Well, not really good for anyone. Their order was so off, killing people that aren't them... Half breeds, and murdering other members of other realms for no reason what so ever..

"This way." The man in the glasses gestured us to go down the hall.

"Do you think he actually knows Vanoss?" Mark whispered to me. I looked up at him and nodded. There would be no point of even lying about it. Especially when he probably doesn't know what Vanoss is, he seems like the guy who wants answers. We got to a door, and the man that led us here knocked. And we only waited for a few seconds until the door opened revealing a man with the most beautiful blue eyes, and shaggy long brown hair.

"Oh! Craig! It's nice to see you... And you brought friends?" There was sudden look of fear on his face. His eyes were staring up at everyone But it looked like his attention was mostly on Mark..

"Where is he? I know you have him." Mark's eyes then narrowed at the blue eyed guy. The guy narrowed his fear-stricken eyes, and frowned.

"I have no clue what you are talking about..." He started to shut the door, but Mark stopped him from doing so.

"Vanoss? The man with the missing wings? The man from Owl Realm? The man in Red?" Mark began to push the door open even more. The guy's eyes widened as he tried to fight Mark's strength, but it was too late.. He stepped out of the way, and let Mark push open the door. Then... There he was. His gray eyes looked at us, and he shot up from the couch.

"Vanoss!" Jack exclaimed then removed his mask showing all of his eyes. The other men with the pink and glasses stared at Jack wide eyed. Heh, never seen a Time Realmer huh?

"J-Jack? Mark? And Felix?!" Vanoss also looked shocked to see us. Jack ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"It's been forever old friend.." Mark smiled then walked over to the two of them. It was great to see Vanoss again. It's been years..

"Hey Jon, these are my Realmer friends." Vanoss then said looking at the guy with the shaggy hair.

"R-Realmer friends...? You weren't lying.." The guy then said. He looked embarrassed, and his voice sounded kinda disappointed.

"Wait... Realmers? What are those?" The guy in the glasses looked very confused.

"We are... You are. It's just people from Realms. And you guys are Realmers." The guy in the pink exclaimed.

"Oh... Well. What are your guys's names then? Because... My name is Craig." The guy in the glasses said, he looked as if he still didn't understand. He's very much from the Living Realm.

"I'm Vanoss, Jack has the green hair, Mark is the one wearing the dark purple vest, and Felix is the one with the flower." Well introduction was covered..

"Well, this is Tyler in the pink, and Jonathan is in the blue. Just letting you know.." Craig then said lightly chuckling awkwardly. He looked like he was the shortest out of everyone here. Even shorter than Jonathan. Mark then turned his attention to Vanoss.

"Vanoss... We need your help. Queen has been taking over Realms left and right.. They have taken over all of our Realms. Including The Cyber Realm.." Mark lowered his gaze, he inhaled a deep breath then sighed.

"We really need your help.." He then finished.

"W-wait! You can't take him away..." Suddenly Jonathan said in alarm. He suddenly covered his mouth. Mark glared at Jon, eyes narrowing. Oh no.

"Why not? Our realms are in danger! He's the most powerful out of all Realms since age is catching up to Cry. Jonathan, you'll lose this realm and him as well if he doesn't go." He looked at Jonathan with his really dark eyes. Mark's expression read lots of emotion... Sad, Angered. He's Frustrated..

"Then... If he's going, I'm going too!" Jonathan then puffed out his chest with a wicked smirk across his face. He wasn't being serious... A Living Realmer? Helping us? Dig him a grave now!

"Jon.." Vanoss then pushed past us, and went over to him. He placed his hands on the shoulders of the guy in the blue hoodie, and looked extremely worried.

"You can't do this, not in this condition. And you're a Living Realmer. I won't allow it."

"Evan, you're not my dad... Or my lover. You can't simply say 'You can't do this, I won't allow it.' It's never your call. I really want to go, please. I really want to help."

"Same here." The Butcher Realmer then spoke. His eyes were a green but slowly turning back to a blue..

"You'll need more muscle power.. Just in case something happens."

"And my speed. Trust me, If I was getting chased by a bear, I would out run all of you." Craig smirked then giggled. Another Living Realmer helping? Oh god.

"You know... It could help a lot." Mark narrowed his eyes.

"What?! Are you insane?! You realize these people... We don't know their uses. They could be just like me.." Jack murmured softly, looking down. I stepped forward.

"Look, we'll be grateful for your help. But... You are putting your lives on the line for all the Realms. Are you sure you want to help?" I looked at all of them. The two Living Realmer's faces looked unsure.

"If you die, you know what will happen." I continued. Jonathan then nodded, and smirked lightly.

"I escaped death many times. If I die, well.. That's just my luck. I want to help Evan. And I need to." He then looked over at Vanoss, then nodded.

"Alright... What about you two? You sure you want to do this?" I looked over at Craig and Tyler. They nodded to me.

"If I die so be it. I have nothing to lose anyway.." Tyler then mumbled.

"I rather be a hero instead of a News Reporter.. Now, what's the plan?" Craig then smirked.

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