December 11th, 2016

36 5 6

This. This is just.

I swear to god, next time someone pulls my curl and laughs like they can do whatever they want, even though 

I said:


Please Don't-

I said no-

And backed away?

They ignore me. 

I'm going to cut my curl off, yank it out the next time. I'm done.

You know what my curl does. I said no. And yet. They pull it. 

Haha, Sexual Herassment is fun people- No. Just, jfc no.

Why do random people think they can do what they want.

And to the wonderful people who have pulled my curl without MY permission

*Kisses my middle fingers*

And sweet Fuck you before you go to sleep or when you wake up.


LoviNO Vargas.

I'm tired and stressed, so to hell with it.

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