viii || Rant #1: A Message To The Baby Boomers

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I was really angry when I wrote this and I guess it's pretty apparent. Yes, I rant though poems...I'm angsty like that.

But do note that it's meant to be satirical and it's not to be taken seriously. It's aimed at someone specific and I do not hate all Baby Boomers. Just the person it's aimed at. Also I'm trying not to offend anyone and if do, just know that it isn't intentional. It's a rant and it's my angry thoughts.

So yeah.  

Originally posted on 'Musings Of A Weirdo'. Check it out on the blog, in the external link.


Dear Baby Boomers,

One second of our lives spared

Is akin to an agony of great bearings

Pay no attention to the burdens

Nor to the hurdles that bear us down

Because pause buttons don't exist here

We only come with fast forwards

Scalding pressures rest on our shoulders

But don't worry, everybody ignores them

Where everything happens in a blink

Who ever gives a damn for the simple pleasures?

Go virtual; it's the new 'in club'

Hardly anything is real anymore

No one has the time to 'stop and stare'

So please, stop preaching the unbelievable

None can do, fellow inhabitants

Life must not be paused; it must go on

Yours Truly,

The Millennials of this World

(PS: Your relevance in this world is


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