Chapter four

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Dedicated to afnan132

I couldn't wait to post either.
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When it was exactly two in the afternoon, we all went to the dinning for lunch. I could see every one taking their lunch very quickly. Just I was about asking Kunmi why? A loud bell rang as usual with a loud voice shouting, "Twenty more minutes."

"We have lesson to catch up," Kunmi said in a hurry. "I didn't get what Mr. Thompson taught us during the day, so I need to get to class early before he starts his lesson." She mentioned the physics teacher I just met. He was tall like a mango tree with a lean body. He left his full hair to grow more and was using glasses as well. Everything he taught us was taken offhand and he solved every question given to him correctly. The funny part was that, he kept begging the class to give him more problems (questions) to solve.

I noticed some were praying for him to just leave the class with his problems (questions), while some of us were shouting. "We have more problems for you to solve sir." On hearing that, he smiled, became more excited, solving questions upon questions until his time was over. Exactly five more minutes for everyone to leave the hall, Kunmi and I were done eating and were already on our feet.

"I don't want to miss his class. Let's go," she grabbed my hand and I followed beside her.

Some left the dinning also and some were busy discussing, while some sat comfortably eating, not bothered about the time. I wanted to ask why everyone didn't leave at once like my former hostel, but I decided to keep my mouth shut. As if reading my mind, Kunmi spoke up. "The fact that no one forces you to go to lesson doesn't mean you should stay behind too. We all know why we are here. And that's to study." She told me.

"That means the teachers will have to wait for everyone to settle down?" I asked, but she laughed as if what I said was funny.

"You're joking right!" She stopped and looked back, but immediately continued walking. "Once it is exactly 2:30pm, lesson starts. No one waits for anyone." She said, walking straight into the class. To my surprise, the teacher was there waiting, and more than half of the class were sited. In my former school, we spent half of the time schedule for the teacher making a terrible noise before he or she came.

Here in Crown School,  I liked their punctuality and I like how serious some of the students were. I was sure there were lots of brilliant students I would be competing with. Starting with Kunmi. Looking at her direction, I could see her already punching (pressing) her calculator. From the look of it, she really liked calculating because the same day I walked into room six, she was solving and solving more problems like my new physics teacher would say.

When it was exactly 4:30pm, we all left the school back to the hostel. We spent two hours for the two subjects which was physics and English. I must say, Crown school teachers were very good!


A week after, I was getting familiar with how Crown school students do their things. Every Saturday was the day for washing. Each room was given a washing and drying machine they used.

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