Chapter Fifty Two

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On getting to the hospital, I realised I was not with my phone. My eyes were still streaming of tears. I announced to the nurses around that I was related to the patient who was rushed down here some minutes ago.

I was told to wait before one of the doctors could see me. I knew I had to find a way to call Victoria, but I really do not know how. I knew the doctors will have to get someone to sign before they can start any surgery on a patient. Finally, I saw a doctor approaching me, and as I moved to his side, I heard some people rushed to the receptionist who immediately pointed to the doctor approaching me.

"Suzy, Suzy is that you?" I turned around to face the whole Victor's family. Victoria, his Mom, and Yomi. His Dad was absent.

"Victoria, I'm sorry I could not call. I just arrived here also and I left my phone at home."

Her eyes were red as if she had been crying for a long time. "Yes, I know. It was your sister who called me," she said. "Suzy she's worried about you. She said you ran out of the house the moment you heard the news."

I just wiped my tears as more tears rolled down my cheeks. "Victoria nothing must happen to him," I said instead.

She sniffed. "My brother will survive this by God's grace. I know God won't let us down," she cried. She saw her mom who followed the doctor earlier walked back slowly to us with terror written all over her face. It was very obvious she was frightened by what happened.

"Mom what did the doctor say?" Victoria asked, eager to hear her Mom's reply. Likewise me. But Mrs. Stephen just hugged her daughter as a tear slipped down her face. Guess she had been holding unto it since. "He's fine Victoria," she murmured. "He will be fine. I won't lose any of you." Mrs Stephen hugged her even more while Victoria did too.

I knew Mrs. Stephen wasn't saying exactly what she saw. I could say I know so much about cases like this. I saw Yomi came back also, and immediately, I ran to his side. "Just tell me the truth, how is he doing?"

"He has been taken to the theatre." He was so calm without a drop of tear. No fear on his face. He was relaxed. "Suzy, don't be scared or worried. He will survive it. My guy is strong."

"Yes I know, but.." I couldn't tell him, you know I'm also a doctor. It was either the brain is affected or could result into broken leg or arm or fractured of the rib, leg and arm also. And for him to have been taken to the theatre, one of the three must have happened.

We all sat down quietly at the reception for hours. When it was quatre to eleven, Victoria and Yomi stood up. "Mom are you sure you're okay here alone?" Victoria asked.

"Yes Vicki, I'm fine." That was my first time of seeing the two talking together. I couldn't believe I was sitting beside her. The powerful woman whom I met back then was sitting there afraid of losing her son. She didn't greet me but I didn't take it as an offence because every mother will be concerned about her child first.

"Suzy when will you leave? It's getting late," Victoria asked me.

I shook my head. "I'm not leaving tonight," I said and saw Mrs. Stephen's head turned to me, but she said nothing.

"But Suzy, your sister will be very worried. You can just branch here tomorrow."

I shook my head again. I really do not want to leave his side. But also, part of me felt really guilty for what happened. I should stay. If I had not encouraged him to take me home, all of these wouldn't have happened.

"Okay then, you should talk to your sister before we leave." She handed her phone to me.

"Thank you," I murmured, and stepped aside from them. I dialed sister Blessing's number immediately. It was then I knew why it was good, and always advisable to know some people's number offhand. Incase of emergency. But then, my sister called Victoria already, so I just scrolled down and identified sister Blessing's number.

"Please can I talk to Suzy?" She said before I could open my mouth.

"Hmm.." I cleared my throat. "Why are you not sleeping?"

"So it's you! How can you expect me to sleep when you ran out of the house with that speed." She was angry.

"Sister Blessing I'm sorry. I had to do something. I'm so sorry I scared you. Please go to bed now."

"Hope you're not coming back tonight. Suzy please it's late. Just find somewhere to sleep there and you can just come very early tomorrow."

She was still scared something bad might happen. "I'm not coming home," I told her. "And not even tomorrow. I will be staying here till Victor gets better."

"Why?" She was confused. "What about your work?"

"I will just withdraw some money and get myself new clothes and some things I will need."

I heard her heave a sigh. "Don't bother wasting your money. I will just meet you at your office with some of your things."

I remembered the state she was in. She shouldn't be going up and down. It was almost getting to her time, but since she decided on that, I should show my appreciation instead. "Thank you sis. I will need wrapper, my toothbrush, body cream, shoes, soap, and... I think that's all. But don't forget my clothes."

"Yes, I won't. Expect me tomorrow. He will survive it in Jesus name. We will keep praying for him. Please don't kill yourself with tears."

"Amen, and yes, I won't." I silently prayed for Victor. "I have to go sis. Victoria is about to leave now." The call ended, and immediately, I gave the phone back to Victoria.

"Just want to drop her. I will be right back." Yomi announced. Victoria hugged me and they left. I was left alone with Mrs. Stephen that night. She sat on the long wooden chair I also sat on, with her head resting on the wall. I wanted to talk to her, but my boldness was no where near. Instead, I allowed myself to just sit and prayed for miracle to happen. That night, I experienced what patients' relatives went through whenever they came to check on their family and pass the night at the hospital having sleepless nights.

Mosquitoes almost finished me where I was. As much as I tried to kill those mosquitoes, I only ended up giving myself a good beating and just scratch and scratch until that spot became red. The next morning when I woke up, I saw that I was covered with a wrapper. Yomi told me it was Victor's Mom because I couldn't stop scratching my body and cursing during my sleep.

I was surprised though. I went to her immediately I was done cleaning myself up. I greeted and she replied. I thanked her for the wrapper, but she just collected it and told me not to thank her. I went to work and came back there. And for three consecutive days, that was how I kept on sleeping at the hospital. I was not allowed to see Victor yet. Though we were told the operation was successful and had been moved to the Intensive Care Unit. (ICU).


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