Chapter Fifty six

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Finally got back to my sister's place. Immediately I drove into the compound and was about getting down, I heard my niece shouting.

"Aunty Suzy,"

"Daddy is Big Aunty"

The minute I stepped out of the car, she jumped on my tired and extremely stressed body happily. I did what every sister would have done. I bent down and carried her up. Immediately, she hugged my neck. "Aunty Suzy, I miss you so much. Mommy told me you travelled, and I've been begging her to let us come and see you."

I managed to smile, knowing that was one of sister's lies to her baby girl. "So, where did I go to?"

She showed her set of white teeth at me. "To London. Mommy said you will bring me plenty clothes."

I finally laughed. Love would be expecting me to bring out clothes now. Saving one trouble, to get me into another one. "Our clothes are still inside the plane. They will bring it for us soon."

She squealed, getting me smiled at her exciting face. We both went inside and I saw my sister's husband sat on the couch with his laptop on his laps.

"Daddy, Aunty Suzy." Love called out, unable to hide her excitement. Her Dad raised his head and smiled at us. "Her mom told me about your friend. Hope he's getting better?"

I nodded. "He's doing well already."

"That's good," he said.

"What about sister Blessing?"

"Mommy is inside the kitchen." Love answered instead, and we both carried ourselves to the kitchen. "Mommy, Aunty Suzy," she shouted again. I couldn't help but laugh. To everyone in the house, see Aunty Suzy. I knew she was happy, but Love sometimes act so funny. I dropped her to free my not too strong bones.

Sister Blessing smiled tiredly at me. "Welcome. Immediately you called, I entered the kitchen to prepare rice for you. I know you will be very hungry. The stew is almost ready," she looked tired, and weak, yet she still came here to prepare food for me. "And how is he doing?"

"Very fine. We talked." I told her.

"Praise God. He's talking already. That's so good. Go and shower before the stew is ready." She pushed her heavy body up from the stool she was sitting on. "Please pass me the fish on the fridge," she said and I passed it to her.

"Love," my sister raised her voice a bit to call her daughter as I walked out of the kitchen to go to my room. "Leave Aunty Suzy for now. Let her relax very well cause she's so tired, and need lot of rest." I heard my sister saying, but the little girl she was talking to was still clinging on my body as I walked to my room.

I searched my bag and brought out the bobo in my bag. She was happy and immediately ran to her Mommy. It was always her habit to show her Mom anything given to her before eating it or taking them, which is good. Of course, she doesn't do that at first. When she couldn't keep getting beating, she decided to wake up and do just what her mom told her. Sometimes, one needs to take action on these children to let them know we are serious about what we tell them to do, and not to do. Sometimes, not by beating though.

Before I could finish changing into another clothes, my sister had dished the rice and stew for me. She came in with a tray and dropped my food on the bed with a bottle of cold water. "Eat before it gets cold. Then we can talk."

Not wasting anytime, I started eating, and we were talking at the same time, not waiting for me to finish eating any more. I pushed the plate aside after I was done eating. 

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