Chapter Twenty six

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Ever since Kunmi told me about her Dad, I had not been able to come out of the shock. No matter how strict my Dad was, I never wished to lose him. God! If that should happen, I would faint and never wake up again because no man could ever take his place in my heart.

Everyone welcomed her when they all came back from church. Victoria, Temi and Debbie were surprised to see her back. Guess they noticed she had lost weight too. She warned me not to mention anything about what she told me. She told me she was on scholarship because her mom and her Dad's family had concluded that she won't be coming back to Crown school anymore since her Dad who was paying for it had died. But luckily for her, she was visited from the school and the school implored her mom to please allow her to keep coming because they knew if her Dad was still alive, she would definitely finish from Crown school. They told her mom the school will foot all her bills. Kunmi was one of their best students since she came into Crown school in jss1. And they shouldn't see it as burden since she had just one year left to finish.

Kunmi and I had been busy together. I managed to explain some of the topics we've done in mathematics, physics and chemistry, while she read other subjects using her textbooks. Since the day we started our test, we've been reading together. Everyone who saw her on Monday was delighted and she was able to laugh with them. She cheered up really fast and I was happy for her.


"Stop everyone! Your time is over! Now!" The supervisor in our class shouted for everyone to stop, but I could see some of my classmates writing as fast as they could to complete whatever it was they were writing.

"I said stop!" She shouted louder this time. "If you're caught, it is minus twenty from your score."

Guess what? knowing what Miss Jen was capable of doing, they immediately stopped writing. We all submitted. Our last paper for third term test was finally done. Wednesday was finally over. The test lasted for three days as always. Both Kunmi and I walked out of the class. "Thank you so much Suzy. if it weren't for you, I really do not know how I would have done the test."

I smiled slowly and hung my school bag on my shoulder. "I will pretend like I didn't hear that. But I want you to know that's what friends are made for. To help and to assist one another. Now give me a hug." I quickly added when I realized she was about to cry. "You know how nosy people are. Just wipe away that tears if you don't want the whole school staring at you."

She laughed and released me. "I'm glad you were given a scholarship to Crown school. And I'm blessed the day you asked me for time table because if you haven't asked, we might not be friends today. Thank you so much for being my friend. Since jss1, this is my first time having ba friend that feels like a sister to me. I'm glad I met you Suzy. You are brilliant, wonderful, amazing. You are the best. And I love you so much."

Awwn... All for me.

I couldn't hide my smile. My head was swelling big time and all I could do was moved closer to her and gave her another heart warming hug. She deserved it. She was the first friend I made and I was lucky because she made me feel welcome the first day I stepped into Crown school. I loved her so much. I picked the right friend.

Everyone was back to the hostel. We were given two days for mid-term break as usual. Some had gone home. Some were still waiting to be picked up, while some were still packing their things. I had removed my shoes, but trying to remove my uniform when I heard my name being called.


I looked back to see Kunmi with a small travelling bag. My eyebrows shot up. "where to?"

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