Day 66

16 1 1

So, sad news, i have to put my dog down...

When my mom told me during the move (im moving), i couldn't stop crying...for three straight days...i got a lot of support from a few of my friends except what hurts me less than my dog is how i feel a sudden rejection from the love of my life...i want all the support i can get to help me through the five stages of grief and i was expecting a hug from her cause i just wanted a little love. i wanted the support from her but i guess that i dont get what i want all the time huh?

Other news, i crushed my record of self harm. Since i zone out a lot, i saw a razor and decided to do it without hesitation...i didn't do it too much but i dont give a shit anymore...neither would my friends...

My heart is shattered, my dog is going to die sometime this week, im going through the 5 stages of grief, and i feel like im the only one putting hard credit into my relationship with my love...

What else can make this day worse? :.-) 

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