Chapter 3: Monday

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I really could do without school right now, I stayed in practically all weekend and I just have no motivation to even get out of bed, also part of me was scared that if I went out at the weekend I'd bump in to that creepy boy. A knock was at my door and it was Jungkook, I opened it and smiled. Recently my heart had been fluttering the more I saw him and it did once again as I saw his wide smile beaming at my door. 'School!' He said doing a fake cry.
'I don't wanna go either but we gotta. besides you skipped on friday!' I laughed
'shhhh no I didn't!' He joked covering my mouth 'I was just... ill!'
I bit his hand so he would stop covering my mouth.
'Ow! Right that's it!' He chuckled as he lifted me over his shoulder once again.
'Put me down stupid!' I cried hitting his back.
'Nope I'm carrying you all the way to the bus stop like this.' He said, finding me trying to struggle from his grasp very amusing.
'Please kookie i feel sick!' I said trying to be serious, but I was still laughing.
'Ok since you said please.' He smiled as he put me down. When he put me down I was really close to his face, he had his cute smile on his face and I couldn't help but feel flustered. He kept on sort of leaning closer and I really freaked out.
'Oh... um look at the time we're gonna be late!' I said frantically thinking of something to get rid of the tension.
'Ooh you're right! Looks like we're gonna have to run.' He smirked 'Don't fall again!' He set off sprinting and left me behind once again but I was too spaced out to run. My heart was beating fast because of how close I was to Jungkook just then. Did he really nearly kiss me? He was leaning in pretty close. I was so zoned out that suddenly I was lifted up off my feet once again.
'We're gonna be late!' Jungkook laughed whilst running with me over his shoulder. We got to the bus stop and he was so out of breath from carrying me up the hill whilst running.
I shook my head at him as he put me down. 'I told you to put me down!' I said angrily sorting my hair out as I'd just been tipped upside down.
He smiled 'don't worry you're lighter than a feather.'
I couldn't help but keep laughing because he was being so cute. I really wanted to ask him about Taehyung but I don't ever want to ruin the moments I'm with him by bringing him in to the conversation.
'Hey, You haven't seen Taehyung again since we spoke to him have you?' He said sort of awkwardly.
'Uh.. no. Why?' I lied as I had seen him in the bar that night. 'Um.. who is he anyway. Like how do you know him?' I asked.
He sighed 'Well.. long story short, we used to be very close friends but then I found out who he really was and who he really was, was... a monster.'
I looked up at him and he looked as if he was thinking hard.
'Oh well... no don't worry I haven't ran in to him since.' I smiled reassuringly.
'Good.' He smiled back 'Because if I find out he's come near you again I'll kill him.'
This Taehyung guy was sounding scarier and scarier by the minute. What does he mean a monster? Has he done something to kookie which is that bad?'
The bus arrived and the bus journey went by so fast, but I didn't want it to end as school is not what I wanted to face today.
'Well I'm going to registration period. Bye Rayne!' Kookie said whilst waving, walking backwards in to his classroom.
I waved back and then also entered my classroom. Ruby was already in there sat in her usual seat next to mine. I sat down next to her and she looked intrigued. 'Well?' She asked.
'What?' I asked with a furrowed brow.
'How does Jungkook know that Tae kid?' She said with grave interest.
'Oh um, they were friends back in the day but then that Tae guy turned out to be a dick basically.' I replied
'Ah I see. No wonder he doesn't want you getting involved with him.'
Our home room teacher walked in and she gathered our attention by clapping her hands, which was odd as she usually never had anything to say.
'So class, we have a new student today.' She smiled 'I trust that you'll treat him well right?'
'Yes miss!' The class shouted together.
'Ooh I hope he's good looking.' Whispered Ruby.
I tapped her lightly on the shoulder and grinned.
'Come on in please introduce yourself.' Our teacher beckoned him in and the boy walked in; but not just any boy...
'Taehyung?' Ruby whispered.
I sat there speechless looking in his direction. His first glance around the room was at me and he gave me his slimy smirk with a wink on the end.
I could hear the rest of the girls in the class getting excited as he is very handsome although I know he is truly just a slimy villain. 'Hey everyone I'm Taehyung.' He smiled at the class 'I'm sure that we can all get along.' He said this with a smirk on his face looking in my direction.
'Thank you Taehyung.' Said the teacher 'Take a seat over there please.'
She pointed to the desk which was right next to mine and Ruby's.
He sat down in the seat and immediately looked in my direction.
I hesitantly looked to face him and he was staring at me intently.
'Morning Rayne.' He said in an evil tone, knowing that his presence makes  me uncomfortable. I nodded and smiled awkwardly, then suddenly the bell rang and I could finally get away from him. I speed walked out of the classroom but I couldn't get away.
'Hey Rayne one sec.' he said grasping my arm lightly. I gulped and then turned around to face him. 'Could you please show me where room 15 is? Obviously I'm new here so I don't know where any classrooms are.'
Oh no! Room 15 is my Maths class which I was also going to now! I seriously can't get away from this kid.
'Oh well uh.. I'm in that class too.' I said awkwardly loosening from his grip. 'Ah great! We can walk together then.' He said smirking at me for the one hundredth time. I walked and he followed closely behind me. I could hear him chuckling from behind me.
'What?' I asked in annoyance.
'Rayne, you need to chill you're always so tense.' He said in a patronising manner. 'You seriously need to lighten up. I'm not as bad as You might think.'
I ignored him, walked in to the class and he still followed closely behind me. I took my seat and he was very fast to place himself down next to me. 'What are you doing?' I asked
'What? Can I not be your study buddy?' He said in his usual slimy tone of voice.
I looked up at him with a fierce glare.
'Look, I don't know who you are and what you want with me but I'd appreciate it, if you'd just leave me be.' I said angrily.
He sniggered 'well what's the fun in that hmm?'

Love and danger | BTS V & jungkook scenario/ love triangle Where stories live. Discover now