Chapter 8

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I woke up in the nurses office laid on the bed with a bag of ice cubes on my head.
'Ouch!' I exclaimed as I readjusted myself to sit up. I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up ready to walk out since I'd woken up. As I was about to open the door I could hear some muttering coming from outside.
'She is such a nice girl Taehyung and I was only helping you because I wanted him back, but he seems to really like her and I'm not going to come between that.'
I stood quietly, in shock against the door at the sound of What I knew was Rose's voice. Why was she speaking to Taehyung? I thought she was shy.
'You just don't get it do you.' Snarled Taehyung 'If you abort this mission now then you're practically dead meat, I can easily kill you and you know it!'
What on earth was going on? I started to feel more and more nervous as the conversation continued. I didn't want to listen anymore but I needed to.
'Look, you might have had power over me back then Taehyung but you've recreated me, I'm just as powerful as you now. I don't need you.' Rose said seriously. Taehyung let out an Evil laugh. I looked out of the window and he had practically pinned her up against the wall.
'Trust me.. you don't want to get too clever with me Olivia. I can end all of that power you have in the blink of an eye. The vampire who creates the other vampire, is a lot more powerful.'
I covered my mouth in shock, I was now frozen.
I knew it was her as soon as I saw the birth mark. It all makes sense. He didn't kill her, but he turned her in to a vampire instead, to seemingly help him with some kind of mission. I felt trapped inside of the nurses office as I didn't want them to know I'd heard their conversation otherwise I could be in trouble. I looked out of the window and Olivia looked agitated.
'You promised me that you'd let me tell Jungkook that it's me and that I'm not really dead, and help me to get him back if I turned her in to a vampire, but I didn't know that she was so important to him. I can't do that to him... he's happy now. I'm done with this.' Olivia stormed away and I walked away from the window, feeling lifeless out of shock. Taehyung was trying to get Olivia close to me so that she could turn me in to a vampire for him? This whole situation was giving me the chills. Suddenly the door burst open and I jumped out of shock, considering the conversation I had overheard. Luckily it was only kookie. He grabbed my shoulders firmly and scanned the bruise on my forehead.
'Are you alright? Does it hurt?' He said in concern.
'Yeah it does hurt I'm not gonna lie, but I'm ok.' I said giving him a warm smile.
A grin filled his face. 'Well if it hurts that means I'll have to carry you.'
Before I could finish my sentence he lifted me on to his back so he was piggy backing me. It was the end of school and he piggy backed me all the way out of school to the bus stop. Olivia was stood there and she saw us approaching. Sadness filled her face and I felt guilty so I got off, of his back.'
'I can walk don't worry.' I said as we walked to the shelter. As I approached Olivia gave me a smile.
'I'm so sorry Rayne! I didn't mean to knock you out.' She laughed.
I gave her a forced smile as I couldn't think of her in the same way, as now I knew who she really was. 'Oh no..
don't worry it's my fault for getting distracted.'
I looked at her forehead and I realised that she'd covered the birth mark again, so Jungkook couldn't tell it was her. She sort of noticed that I was looking at her forehead and she positioned her hair awkwardly in a different way to cover the area.
'Oh Rayne, by the way do you think you could help me with my maths anytime this week out of school? I'm really struggling with my homework.' She asked. Part of me didn't trust her after what I heard outside of the nurses office but it seemed that she was on my side now after she stormed away from Taehyung.
'Um... yeah sure do you wanna come over tonight?' I asked hesitantly.
'Yeah thank you, that'd be great.' She smiled. The bus came and I felt anxious the whole time. What if this was part of the plan? For her to get in to my house so she could attack me. My mum was at home though, and kookie was next door so I felt safe knowing that. I got off the bus with Kookie as usual and also Olivia today. The fact that she was the girl that kookie thought had been killed, yet she was walking right next to him back from the dead as a vampire was giving me chills.
'Do you guys live next door to each other then?' She asked.
Kookie nodded and patted my head playfully 'Yep, she's the best neighbour I could ever ask for.'
I laughed, but tried not to seem to close to Jungkook in front of Olivia as I felt guilty because she must love him, if she was helping out Taehyung just to get him back.
'I see.' She said 'you must be quite close then?'
Jungkook chuckled and put his arm around me.
'You could say that.' He said looking down and winking at me. I wriggled out from under his arm and I looked at Olivia. I could see the sadness and jealousy in her eyes, however she quickly put a smile back on her face. We got to my house and I went to walk through the gate after waving goodbye to Kookie. He grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back.
'What are you doing?' He giggled and pulled me round fast for a hug. 'How could you forget to give me a hug?' I panicked as Olivia was just stood there watching him hug me.
I pulled away and smiled 'see you tomorrow Kookie.' I said as he walked in to his house and waved me goodbye.
I walked in to my house and Olivia followed.
'Do you want coffee?' I asked Olivia.
'I'm good for now thanks.' She smiled.
We sat down on the sofa in the lounge and she turned to face me.
'You and Jungkook are so sweet together and I really hope that you end up dating.' She said giving me a sincere smile. 'He seems too good, for you to let go of him, so make sure you never do.'
She looked down as if she was thinking hard. 'I made the mistake of letting an amazing guy go once, I didn't see what I could've had until after I lost him.' She said sadly 'and it's all because I fell for another boy who, well... just got me in to a bunch of trouble.'
I put a caring hand on Olivia's shoulder and I looked at her intensely.
'I know... who you are.' I said giving her a soft smile. She seemed to look worried as soon as those words came out of my mouth.
'What.. do you mean?' She mumbled.
'I know that your real name is Olivia, I know that Jungkook is the boy that you lost and that Taehyung is the boy that.... turned you in to a vampire and screwed everything up...'
She stood up in shock but I grabbed her hand carefully and sat her back down slowly. She turned to look at me.
'How come you're not... afraid of me?' She asked.
'Because I trust you Olivia. I know you're not the kind of vampire that Taehyung is.' I replied
'But... how did you find out?' She said with a look of confusion on her face.
I slowly moved her fringe off her face and touched the place where her birth mark is covered.
'I saw this, and I knew that Olivia had that birth mark so I knew at that moment you were her.' I sighed 'I was still unsure, but then the icing on the cake was the conversation I heard outside of the nurses office between you and Taehyung...'
Olivia looked at me in shock once again. 'Rayne I promise! I'm no longer a part of his missions. He's evil.'
'Don't worry, I know that Olivia. I heard everything you said to him.' I replied.
'I was only going to turn you in to a vampire for him, because he said he loved you and he couldn't do it himself, so I assumed you loved him too and that's what you wanted.' She said frantically 'but then I started to realise there was something going on between you and Kookie... and he just looks so happy with you and he deserves to be happy, because I care about him so much.'
'I'm sorry Olivia, I know how much you must love him... but I think I love him too.'
She smiled and gave me a hug.
'I know you do. Make him happy for me Rayne.'

Love and danger | BTS V & jungkook scenario/ love triangle Where stories live. Discover now