Chapter 10

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I rushed out of my house early in the morning as I didn't think Jungkook would be walking with me today, after yesterday's events. Once I got to the bus stop I saw just Ruby stood by herself and I sighed a deep breath of relief.
'What the hell?' She cried as I approached her 'You look really ill dude, maybe you should go home.'
I shook my head 'nah I just... drank a lot last night.'
Ruby looked at me in confusion.
'By yourself? Were you sad about something?'
My eyes started to well up but I blinked a few times so it didn't look as if I was tearing up.
'Well me and Jungkook officially got together...' I said then putting my head down as I could feel the tears coming again 'but then... we had a big argument and we broke up straight away.'
Ruby leaned in and hugged me. At that point I couldn't hold it in any longer and I burst in to tears.
'No way! what did you argue about, that was that big?' She asked.
I hesitated to reply as I couldn't exactly tell her the real reason.
'I can't say... it's quite personal to him and it made him super mad.' I replied.
Ruby respected me and didn't question it. As she was still hugging me she tapped me on the back and whispered in my ear.
'He's behind you, so don't make a scene and show him you're upset ok.' She said softly letting go of me and giving me a smile. I tried to wipe my tears but my mascara had run and it was obvious I'd been crying. I looked back at Jungkook and he was looking at me too. We locked eye contact for a bit and then he looked away from me with a cold expression on his face. I tried to stop my tears once again as he was acting like a stranger to me. It hurt me so much because... I loved him. The bus came and Ruby and I sat in a different seat as we figured we couldn't sit in front of Jungkook today. We sat 3 seats behind him and I just watched his every move. It made me sad to see how upset he looked and it was all because of me.
'Hey, where's Rose today?' Ruby asked.
Suddenly it dawned on me that she wasn't here. Probably because she didn't want to show her face after what she caused yesterday. Once we got to school we awkwardly walked a few meters behind Jungkook. I was about to walk in to home room but I was grabbed firmly by the arm. To my surprise; it was Jungkook and he looked at me in anger.
'Rayne, You look completely dead for god sake, have you been drinking?' He snarled at me.
His angry and unloving tone of voice showed a different, horrible side to him and it broke my heart. I shook my arm out of his grasp 'Why do you care?' I snapped back. He couldn't answer and he looked away from me. I walked away in to home room leaving him behind. A tear ran down my cheek as I walked past the whole class to my seat.
'What did he say?' Asked Ruby.
'He asked if I'd been drinking but I just walked away from him.' I replied.
'I'll kill him for making you this heart broken and sad.' Ruby said resting her head on mine. Taehyung walked in to class and he gave me a smile, I gave him a smile back however mine was weak. Ruby tapped me and furrowed her brow at me 'Why did he smile and not smirk today?' She asked.
'Well, I don't think he's as bad as we thought.' I replied 'We're friends now... sort of.'
She flicked me on the forehead and I grasped my head in pain.
'What was that for?' I cried angrily.
'What do you mean he's your friend? Jungkook told you to stay away from him.' She whispered so Taehyung couldn't here. The bell rang and I stood up to get ready for the next class.
'And why should I do what Jungkook tells me to do? There's no need now.'
I stormed out of class as fast as I could but Ruby caught up to me. She grabbed me by the arm and looked at me.
'You know deep down you can't trust him Rayne. Don't put yourself in danger just to go against Jungkook.'
I walked away from her without saying anything back. As I entered maths I realised Taehyung was sat in the seat next to me where Olivia usually sits. I stopped in my tracks for a minute and stared at him. He smirked 'Ah c'mon, she's not here today just let me stay.'
I decided to just sit down next to him.
'You don't look so good today, I wonder why?' He chuckled.
'Please, don't I'm not in the mood.' I snapped as I got my books out.
'Fine I'll just sit here and be quiet.' He said kicking his legs up on the desk.
For the whole lesson he did actually be quiet and didn't bother me which was a first. We walked out of class and I could see him side glancing me.
'Hey, cheer up won't you? You're usually all feisty and today you're all quiet and boring.' He laughed.
'Wow, thanks.' I said bluntly walking at a brisker pace.
'Hey!' He said grabbing my arm to slow me down 'I'm joking, but seriously cheer up yeah?'
Suddenly he grabbed my hand and I immediately removed it from his grasp.
I looked forwards and Jungkook was stood at the other end of the corridor staring in our direction. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. He stormed over to us and grabbed my arm, pulling me as fast as he could away from Taehyung. He took me that far away, that we were out of school.
'Get off me! Where are you going!' I cried struggling from his grasp.
'We're going home!' He said continuing to drag me. I gave up fighting from his grasp and just decided to walk all the way home. He dragged me in to his house and closed the door ferociously behind us. He grabbed my shoulders and looked me deeply in the eyes.
'I told you already, do not go near him.' He said sternly, keeping a tight grip on my shoulders.
'He's not going to kill me Jungkook.' I replied 'I know he's not...'
Jungkook looked as if he was about to explode. He laughed out of anger.
'No maybe not, you could end up becoming a monster instead.' He said seriously 'but either way Rayne, whatever happens, he's going to do something evil to you and I won't be able to live with myself if this happens again.'
I sniggered 'Well, you don't trust him and you don't trust me so it seems, that me and this Taehyung kid have a lot in common so far right?' I fought from his grasp, opened the door and stormed out. He ran after me and he firmly grabbed my waist.
'Don't you dare say you have anything in common with him.' He said right in to my left ear. 'I'm still in love with you Rayne and nothing will change that; please... don't walk away from me.'
I took his hands off, my waist and walked away without saying a word. My heart felt broken as I stormed away but the way Jungkook was acting was making me feel so upset I couldn't stay there with him anymore. The problem was, I loved him too but everything was ruined between us now...

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