Chapter 2

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I heard a knock at my door and I was still that shaken up about this random boy who seemed to be following me, but the knock at the door could have been none other than jungkook's so I felt at ease. I smiled and opened the door.
'You ready for the fireworks?' He asked as I stepped outside my house, closing the door behind me.
'I sure am!' I said in excitement linking arms with him. As we walked I could see Ruby in the distance.
'Hurry guys they're setting them off in 10 minutes!' She shouted.
'Shit! We better run.' Jungkook said as he ran far ahead in front of me.
'Hang on! Wait for me!' I laughed.
He was so far in front and I tried so hard to catch up that I tripped over my own feet and the next thing I knew I was on the floor. I went to stand up but before I could even move I felt someone grasp me and they pulled me up. Figuring it was Jungkook I turned around casually 'Thanks kookie. It's you fault though, you ran fast!' I laughed still looking down as I brushed the gravel from my jeans. As soon as I looked up I realised it wasn't Jungkook it was in fact the boy from earlier. My eyes widened in shock and I stepped back a bit.
'Are you ok?' He sniggered.
I was speechless and before I could answer Ruby and Kookie came running back to me.
'Oh my god Rayne are you ok!' Ruby cried scanning my hands for any grazes.
'I'm fine don't worry.' I said kind of spaced out. I looked up to see Jungkook staring at the boy. He had a fierce look on his face and the boy was staring back at him with his signature smirk.
'Ah Jungkook long time no see.' The boy said in an almost sarcastic tone.
'Not long enough Taehyung.' Snarled Jungkook.
I looked at Ruby and she shrugged her shoulders at me. Jungkook knew this guy?
Taehyung sniggered 'c'mon kookie i know you're happy to see me.' Besides I just helped your girlfriend up didn't I? You should be thanking me right now.'
Jungkook looked so angry that I grabbed his hand and pulled him back a bit.
'I've got nothing to thank you for and besides She's not my girlfriend.' Jungkook answered back sounding even more annoyed by the second.
'I see.' Smirked Taehyung 'Well that's good then.'
I got an uneasy chill through my body. Well now I know it wasn't a coincidence, he must've been genuinely following me.
Taehyung walked away casually but Jungkook grabbed him firmly by the arm and pulled him back.
'She might not be my girlfriend, but trust me, I'll never let her be yours either if that's what you're thinking.' Said Jungkook Sternly looking Taehyung in the face.
Taehyung laughed in his face and then carried on walking away; this time Jungkook let him go. Jungkook stared at him in hatred as he walked away. I was so confused and so was Ruby.
Jungkook turned to me and grabbed me by the shoulders 'Rayne, is that the boy who was staring at you and following us earlier?' He asked in concern.
I nodded and He took his hands off my shoulders.
'Don't worry Rayne, he won't hurt you, I won't let him.' He said grabbing my hand as we started to be on our way again. I looked at Ruby with a furrowed brow and she looked just as confused as I felt. I decided not to question it just yet though as Jungkook still seemed pretty riled up by this Taehyung kid. We only just made it to the fireworks and it was a real stress reliever just watching them and forgetting about the events of today. There were beautiful colours dancing around the sky and I couldn't help but smile and feel at peace. I looked up at Jungkook who was already looking at me and for some reason that made my heart flutter. 'Hey, im going for a drink you guys do you want anything?' I asked Just as the fireworks had ended.
'No I think we're good we've still got nearly full glasses.' Said Ruby
'okay well I'll be right back.' I said as I set off to the bar.
'Hey, could I get a Coke please-'
'Make that two.'
I looked up to see who this voice above me was and it was no other than Taehyung. He had his arm stretched out to the bar lady with money and he winked at me as I looked up at him.
'Sure.' The bar lady smiled.
I clenched my body in fear. Why does he keep following me?
'Thanks but you didn't have-'
'I wanted to.' He smirked cutting me off mid sentence once again.
I nodded awkwardly and looked away from him whilst we waited for the drinks.
'I'm guessing Jungkook has dished the dirt on me then huh?' He said leaning casually on the bar looking at me directly in the eyes.
'No but he doesn't seem to like you.' I said bluntly.
He laughed 'yeah you could say that couldn't you.'
The lady put the drinks on the bar and I swiped it up as fast as I can so I could get away From this slimy Taehyung kid.
'Well thanks.' I said lifting my glass then walking away from him as fast as I could.
He grasped my arm and I turned to faced him in annoyance.
'There's no need to be afraid we know each other now.' He said as the predictable smirk crept upon his face. I nodded and finally managed to walk away from him.
'Hey, how come you took so long?' Asked Jungkook
'Oh well... There was a huge queue.' I said as I didn't want him to figure out who I'd been talking to.
'Oh I see well I was gonna get another drink but I think I'm just gonna head home now.' He smiled 'Are you guys coming now? because I don't want you to walk home alone.' He asked.
'Don't worry we'll go later. I'll walk her home.' Ruby said smiling reassuringly at Jungkook.
'Ok well text me when you get home guys!' He said waving as he walked away backwards.
'Yep!' We both shouted as he got further away. I waved at him and smiled. Ruby nudged me and laughed.
'Dude he is crushing on you I swear!' She cried.
I slapped her arm 'shut up! What? No he's just my friend.'
'Well I'm telling you. He wants to be more.' She said creepily whispering in my ear. I pushed her away and giggled. Deep down I kind of always had a thing for him but I kept my feelings suppressed because I didn't wanna ruin the friendship, but I sort of hoped that he did have feelings for me.
'The way he protects you from that dude, it's just obvious he really cares for you.' She said with grin.
'Oh... Ruby speaking of that.' I replied 'that boy was in the bar and he bought my drink for me! I was so creeped out.' I whispered.
'No way! What does he want though?' She asked. 'I wonder why Jungkook hates him so much too. You should ask him and get the full details because you deserve to know what's going on.'
'I know but I'm scared it'll upset him if I do.' I replied 'But you're right; I need to know what's going on.'

Love and danger | BTS V & jungkook scenario/ love triangle Where stories live. Discover now