Chapter 5

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Jungkook let go of me and gave me a reassuring smile. 'Please don't worry Rayne, everything will be fine.'
I smiled back at him and nodded although I was in disbelief that everything was going to be fine.
'Anyways I better get going, my mum will be home soon and I have to start cooking dinner.' Said Jungkook raising himself from the sofa.
I smiled 'Oh.. yeah ok.'
I walked him to the door and he stood still for a moment looking down at me.
My cheeks felt flushed once again and my heart started beating fast. I looked down and smiled because I started to feel so shy my heart could've exploded. Suddenly he lifted up my chin, looked in to my eyes and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I covered my lips in shock and couldn't help but giggle. Jungkook also chuckled 'you don't know how long I've been wanting to do that.' He pinched my cheeks and laughed with joy. 'Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow.' He said, giving me a cute wink as he opened the door and stepped outside.
'Yep. Bye!' I called to him as he stepped out of my gate. I shut the door and stood there in a trance lovingly staring at the wall.
'Young love, ay?' My mum said peering her head around the corner. I jumped out of my skin as I had no idea she was home yet.
'Mum you scared me!' I screamed clutching my heart as she literally made it jump out of my chest.
'Sorry I used the back door because the front door was blocked by two kids having a smooch on my door step!' My Mum said bursting out in to laughter.
I covered my face in embarrassment and exploded with laughter.
'I thought you and Jungkook were just friends!' She cried 'And to think I let him in your room all the time!'
'Mum!' I laughed playfully hitting her 'we are just friends.. well I don't know what we are now really it's a bit confusing.'
Mum smiled, walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders.
'I've always thought you two were made for each other since you first started hanging around with him.' She said giving me the biggest grin.
'Ew you're so cringey Mum!' I said jokingly, fighting from her embrace.
'Hey! Watch what you say, or I'll never let you kiss on that door step again.' She said pointing towards the door.
I laughed and then gave her a hug as I was in a good mood.
'While you're still in a good mood, can you help your mother out and go get some milk from the shop now please?' She asked.
'Yeah sure,  i'll be back in a bit.' I said heading out the door. I walked still in a day dream, repetitively smiling to myself stupidly. I always wondered how I would feel if I ever kissed Jungkook and now I have my feelings have grown even stronger than before. I got to the shop and picked up the milk as quickly as I could so I could start walking home again, as it was a freezing afternoon and all I wanted was to cozy up in Bed. As I walked out everyone else had just come home from school. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the smirk on legs himself... Taehyung.
'Skipping lessons and going home early? I never knew you were the bad girl type.' He said speaking in his usual slimy voice 'I suppose bad girls have always been my favourite.'
He said creepily scanning my body up and down with his eyes. Fear filled me up inside but I tried not to show it as I didn't want to let on, that I knew everything about him.
'I just felt sick so I wanted to go home. Anyway see ya.' I said bluntly, starting to walk away from him.
'Hey!' He shouted. I turned around.
'I need help on my algebra and rumour has it that you're the best in the class.' He said getting far too close to me it was uncomfortable. 'What do you say you tutor me? I'll pay you.'
I gulped in fear as he was practically bent over me.
'No I don't think so....' I said trying to speed walk away once again.
'You know controlling relationships aren't healthy.' He shouted as I crossed to the other side of the road. 'Jungkook seems to be very controlling, not letting you come near me and all. I'd dump him.'
I looked at him in disgust from across the road and decided to just ignore him. I walked home as fast as possible and when I finally made it in to my house I felt safe again. Is this how it was going to be from now on? Me living in fear of not even being able to go to the corner shop without that blood thirsty vampire following me wherever I go. I went up in to my room and sprawled out on to my bed. All I wanted to think about was my kiss with Jungkook but the situation with Taehyung was putting other thoughts in to my head. I sighed in frustration and stared up at the ceiling. What was I going to do with myself? I heard a knock at the door and my mum went to answer it. I figured it was one of her friends as she was talking to them for a while in the hallway.
'Rayne! Come down here!' She shouted.
That was strange, why would she call me down if it was one of her friends? I got to the top of the stairs and I couldn't see who was there. She must've gone in the lounge with whoever it was. I walked in to the lounge and could not believe my eyes. He followed me home. It was Taehyung.
'Oh Rayne!' Mum beamed 'How nice of you to agree to tutor your friend here!'
I glared at Taehyung and all he could do was smirk back at me.
'Ah she is a dream when it comes to maths.' Taehyung smiled, as he put on a fake and kind personality in front of my mum.
'Oh how sweet of you to say that!' My Mum said smiling at him. 'Well I'll leave you to your studies kids!'
As soon as Mum left the room my heart dropped and I felt in danger. Taehyung sprawled across my couch and looked at me. 'How kind of you to agree to tutor me.'
I shook my head 'I'm not gonna tutor you, get out!'
He laughed and stepped closer to me.
'Fine you don't have to tutor me.' He smirked 'Let's just hang out.'
'No way.' I snarled back at him.
He took a step back away from me and got back on to the couch again.
He sniggered to himself and then looked back up at me.
'The truth is Rayne it's not your maths skills I'm here for.'
Chills ran all the way down my spine and I got a lump in my throat.
'Well... then what do you want!' I cried in frustration and mostly fear.
He smirked once again 'Well you could say I have a bit of a crush on you, you see Rayne.' He said almost sensually 'I'm quite, let's say... infatuated by you.'
He scanned my body once again, making me feel as if a knot was tied in my stomach. He made me feel sick every time he looked at me. He walked over to me slowly and I backed up so far that my back was against the wall. I gulped as I couldn't go back any further and he was now very close to me. He put his arm above my head against the wall almost trapping me so I couldn't move.
'All the girls around here are quite plain... there's some pretty ones I suppose.' he said caressing my face making me feel suffocated 'but there's none quite like you. You've stood out to me by a mile I must admit.'
I plucked up the courage and bravely pushed him away from me as I had started to have, had enough. Anger ran through me and before I could think I blurted it out.
'Is it really me that infatuates you....Or is it my blood?'
Chapter 6 coming soon :)
I hope you think this is getting good so far and I'm keeping you interested!

Love and danger | BTS V & jungkook scenario/ love triangle Where stories live. Discover now