Sonata 5

96 11 6

Brace yourselves for a long chapter!

This chapter is dedicated to: Tchiana, she's one of my favorite wattpad authors try to check out her novel The Bad Boy is Back i swear it's worth the read. It's really a nice and cute story <3 sigh

Sonata 5:

The next day I have a different schedule from Monday, so Milan and I went to our class together. We sat at our own chairs next to each other.

She tapped as an indication that the professor has entered. My earphones were plugged in my ears the whole morning because I was avoiding hearing lame comments about me. Like awhile ago when I entered the toilet I was in the cubicle doing—God knows what I’m doing when I heard girls entered the place.

Girl 1: Hey What do you think about this so called Joey?

Girl 2: Oh Joey Abbott?

Girl 1: Yeah that one on Mr.V’s blog.

Girl 2: Well I think she shouldn’t mess up with my Dominic.

Girl 1: What your Dominic? My Dominic!

And they were arguing. Suddenly another voice came in.

Girl 3: Shut up guys will you? I think Joey is very interesting. It’s seldom someone catches Dominic’s attention. He only notices the potential music artist in the future you know. Since he has that good vibe around music, maybe Joey is special and he wants to keep her. Besides I think she’s cool she could stand up from herself from Dominic. You know how most girls would just prefer to shut up and flirt with Dominic, they have weak knees for him unlike Joey she faces Dominic not like any body else.

Girl 1: And how do you know this?

Girl 3: Duh! I’m fan girling Dominic you know. If she ends up with him it’s okay for me.

Wait! What did she said? My mind thought. Dominic and me that’s going to be like a cat and  dog relationship. Weird!

Girl 1: How you could you say that! He’s mine!

Girl 3: Oh please shut up! His like 2 years younger than you.

I heard a huffing sound.

Girl 1: Still I don’t want him ending up with her.

Girl 3: You’re just jealous she’s gorgeous.

Girl 1: Trinity, you’re so lucky you’re my friend or else I would’ve punch you.

Girl 3: Yeah you sure are.

Silence, overcome the whole place as they left. I think one gossip of me and me eavesdropping of me too is enough than to hear more comments. Luckily, I didn’t see Dominic for breakfast.

And so now here we are back to class.

Soon after, morning classes ended and it’s lunch already. I plugged my earphones and started listening to Vivaldi’s Seasons before I enter the cafeteria. I can never go wrong with this piece. You see Seasons is like a forty-five minute soundtrack it’s really nice with all the detailed music coming from the different sections in an orchestra. Anyway skipping that thing, I ordered by simply not looking up to the lunch ladies. I just keep on pointing what I want and saying if I only want a half-cup order for every meal. In the end I ended up having a small plate with mini cut fruits and salad. Then on my bigger plate. I have a half-cup meal of chicken curry and beef stake and tucked under my arm is a bottle of flavored water. I was hungry and frustrated you see. I just don’t like much attention when it comes to gossip you know. I would prefer attention if someone  says I play the piano and guitar well and occasionally be flattered when someone compliments my appearance but not like this. I being the talk of town because of their oh-so-handsome-violin-prodigy who they thought was trying to hit on me but what they don’t know is that this guy is actually messing with me big time. I can’t believe just bumping on me—well not bumping was falling on me was such a big deal to him! It’s making me nuts can’t he just get over it and stop messing with me.

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