Sonata 3

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A/N: Here's Sonata 3 enjoy! Ugh I'm internet banned for 2 days T_T

This chapter is dedicated to: Alley! thanks for being such an awesome wattpad friend oh and check her book Plain June <3 You're gonna love it! 

Sonata 3:

Quarter FM morning show was blazing in the speakers in the cafeteria at seven in the morning. Our group was piling up into the long line of students getting eager to what to choose for breakfast. I was the last to get food in our group and a bit slow because I’m so fascinated with the food that I have in my tray mushroom soup, butter croissant, sausages and pork and beans and coffee and a bottled water. I was drooling and I placed my spoon on my mouth. I didn’t even realize I was this hungry.

“Woah! Compulsive buyer” I heard a voice teased beside me. His voice was deep but smooth. I glance at my left and there he was standing.


He was smirking at me. What can I say he looks gorgeous!

This is the second time he got near me after that incident. I can now clearly see how he looks. His brown hair was curly but was kept neat away from his face. It looked so soft and his pink kissable lips was tempting added by that mischievous smirk. He was a clear definition for drop-dead-gorgeous. Except my panties would have drop instead for that situation. He had beautiful piercing green eyes, chiseled jaw, high cheekbones and a beautiful nose. Today he was wearing some white shirt with a brown cardigan paired with jeans and leather shoes.

Ugh I don’t even get why I admire such things because behind that beautiful physical appearance lays an egotistical prick. But even though he has his bad attitudes that doesn’t mean I don’t notice all his attractive sides.

 I gave him a poker face.

“No I’m not I’m just getting back the benefits I paid for my tuition.”

“Really?” He raised an eyebrow. “But you’ve got like three years to stay in here..or.. you don’t?” He chuckled. That’s when I realize that maybe he thinks I won’t finish school.

My temper was starting not to be good. I hate mornings and nobody messes with my morning. So I haven’t got the chance to control my anger. I really get annoyed easily when somebody teases me, in the morning.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I said in a quite loud voice avoiding attention from the others. “Isn’t it supposed to be your fault that you fell over me and you didn’t say sorry? But what are you doing your making me look like it’s my fault. You don’t even know me.” I pointed my fingers straight to his chest. “Y-you JERK!” I added.

I was quiet shock with what I said. I saw his face fell. Ha! Serves him right. I gulped and looked down and got my tray stomping off my feet.

I tried to ignore it but I think I heard him say. “You look cute when you’re angry.”

I turned to the crowd and found a familiar face from one of the table it was Noah the guy from the radio org yesterday. He was with his friends and he was sitting with one guy that has a long hair playing the guitar. Suddenly I found him looking back at me. We locked gaze for awhile but a voice was already calling my name.

“Hey over here!” Milan waved and I made my way to the table “Who was that? He’s hot!” She winked at me.

“Who?” I creased my forehead.

Milan pointed at someone at my back. I glanced back and two tables away from ours was Dominic’s table together with his group of friends.

“Him?” I asked

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