Friend to a dragon

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Reece King plays Joshua

Chapter 4

Two days have passed since the accident. I used all the power I had left and now I'm a living corpse. My body is weak. I am weak. I've tried eating raw animal meat but I've damaged my body to the point where that will do nothing to help me. I need real human meat.

"Jonathan you don't look so well. Are you sure you should be working? I can give you the rest of the day off." Granny Hatherly asks. Concern written in her voice and her face.

"I'm alright. Just tired. There's no need to stop work for that."

"Hmm, well alright." The door bell for the front door of the dinner rings and Hatherly looks over.

"Oh perfect. Just in time. Jonathan I'd like you to teach Joshua the ropes." A young man walks over to us. I show a smile even though I'm dying inside. Not dying just very tired.

"Nice to meet you Joshua, I'm Jonathan. I believe I served you once before?" I ask remembering he was here two days ago. I hold out my hand and he shakes it.

"Nice to meet you and yeah." He grins. He's a werewolf. What the hell is a werewolf doing working at a diner?

"Making friends already. Good. I'll be in my office." Granny leaves and I chuckle.

"Alright so you applied as a server correct?" I ask him. He stays staring at me but I suppose he realizes how much and coughs.

"Yeah I did."

"Do you have any experience waitering?"

"Uh no I don't." He chuckles nervously.

"It's alright, I didn't either." I lie and he smiles.

"Alright let's start with the tables. We have 20 tables in total. Plus the seats and the bar. Depending on your shift you'll divide the tables with the other server. When getting the orders always write the table number along with what they want. You can abbreviate. The chefs here are good at figuring out what you mean. Always smile and just have fun. Most of the people that come here are regulars so you'll learn names fairly quickly."

"Order up Joe." I nod at Greg and grab the plates.

"Joshua this is Greg our chef. And the one in the back over there is our other chef Cyrus. Guys say hi."

"Hello." Joshua greets them and they welcome him.

"This food goes to the family at table 4. If you ever forget where the food goes to, don't be afraid to ask the chefs. They'll gladly tell you. And always check your tables and make sure to ask if they need anything else." I walk over to table 4 and with a strained smile I hand them their food.

"Would you like anything else?" I ask them.

"No thank you. This is perfect!" The mother replies with a smile. I nod and leave. Joshua follows me. I take him to the cash register.

"Do you know how to work this?" I point at the cash register.

"Oh yeah! I would work the cash register at my school fundraisers."

"Perfect then I don't need to explain much. Just that this ones old and granny doesn't want to spend on another one. She says if something isn't broken why throw it away? So to open it up you have to hit it lightly sometimes." He nods.

"Order up." I turn around too fast and I get dizzy to the point where I have to grab onto the bar and hold myself up.

"Are you okay?" Joshua asks. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

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