The failure of a dragon

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Daddy Jonathan looking yummy

Chapter 19

"Where is Michael? Shouldn't he be back by now?"

"My children should too," I tell Joshua. After going to the diner and telling Ms. Hatherly I will be taking time off, I brought Joshua back to the house. I also called Julius to come to my apartment. Of course, he brought Kali who has been uncomfortably staring at me for the past hour. My children have yet to come back with an Exodraos.

"If you have something to say, speak up," I tell Kali.

He pierces his lips but then opens them to speak, "I'm sorry about how I acted before. My human side was still in control and overpowering my awakening. As I speak, he is still very much present."

"That's odd. You two should have merged into one." I frown, "but you are forgiven Kali." He nods and smiles, Julius takes his hand and kisses it. That small gesture makes me wish Michael was here. But he needs to do his part in this war. His beta Kyle took the children out for a play date to keep them away from the apartment. At least for now, I don't want my children to be a part of this. Their time will come.

"So what's going to happen now?" Joshua asks.

"Now? We go to Michael's pack house. I want to scout the territory out myself. I already sent my children a message to meet us there once they capture an Exodraos."

"Alright, I've been meaning to ask but why do you say Exodraos when you're only talking about one of them?"

"In their creed, they consider themselves one. Therefore, from the very beginning, they have addressed themselves as Exodraos. Once you join them, your name is taken from you and from then on you are Exodraos." He 'ooh's' as if hearing the discovery of the century.

"Alright then let's go? I haven't seen my family in a while so I'm excited."

"Julius, Kali, Joshua." They come forward and place their hands on my shoulders. Joshua takes a second to catch on but then he holds my hand.

"Are we going to teleport? Holy-" I don't let him finish and once we appear on a dry patch of land in front of Michael's pack house, Joshua is puking his guts out.

"Ugh never again! Nope, nope, nope," Joshua groans.

"Jonathan." A smile spreads across my lips as Michael runs up to me. A thin layer of sweat glistens on his exposed chest. He shocks me as he crashes his lips against my own.

"That was unexpected." I smile against his lips. He licks his own and looks at me with a hungry gaze.

"A good unexpected kiss?"

"Yes very much so," I give him another kiss. I see Julius and Kali follow Joshua into the pack house after he was finished throwing up.

"I have a friend I want you to meet. She's a witch that is helping us fight against them."

"Of course." Michael growls low in his throat and I give him a questioning stare. "What is wrong?"

"My wolf doesn't like strangers trespassing on our land. But that's inevitable since supernaturals from everywhere are coming here to fight."

My dragon in me swells with excitement at hearing these things. But, we cannot dismiss the fact that some of them could be spies. Michael gives my hand a squeeze.

"I know what you're thinking and I already considered that. Before they can step into pack territory, the witches will read their minds."

"But even mind reading does not work at times. Especially if they have learned to control their thoughts."

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