Protection from a dragon

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Arthur ^ idk who the model is either haha.

Chapter 12

Abraham and Arthur awkwardly stood in the living room. They didn't know what to do. They just held each other's hand and stood.

I walk over to them and take their hands and they let me. "Do you boys know who I am?"

They nod. "You're our papa." Arthur answers.

I raise an eyebrow, "how do you know?"

"They said you are and they would be mean and say how we're helping them find ways to kill you and stuff." Abraham's eyes narrow and slit, turning into his dragon's eyes. I ruffle his hair and smile. He closes the eye closest to where I'm touching his head. It's a cute reaction.

"They can't kill me. And they cannot kill you. Do you know why?" I ask them. They both shake their heads.

"I'm strong and I'll protect you two with my life from this day forward. Would you like me to show you where you come from? The history of our powerful species?" They look at me with confusion but nod. They're hesitant though.

"Abraham." I smile and I reach out to touch his temples. He goes rigid and his eyes start moving, watching everything I'm showing him.

"Arthur." I place my thumps on his temples.

"It won't hurt right? I don't like-"

"It won't love." I smile and he nods. I press against his temples. They both smile at the memories and our history but soon they get to the part of the war. Instead of shedding tears, Abraham's eyes glare at nothing in particular. Arthur does the same but tears leave his eyes.

These children are too young to have to deal with their dragons and their powers. Too young to have to deal with the Exodraos hunting them down. I'll need necklaces for them.

I take my phone out and call my most trusted friend. "Jonathan! How are you?"

"I'm great Anastasia. I'm calling because I need two necklaces."

"Why? Did you have more children?"

"Yes it appears so." I hear her laugh.

"I'll enchant them and send them your way. Take out the box and wait for my call."

"Thank you Anastasia. Take care."

"Same goes to you Jonathan. I can feel it. The war is approaching." She hangs up and I put my phone away.

It's true. I feel it too. This city will be our battle ground.

I go into my bedroom and I take the enchanted box that Anastasia gave me many, many years ago. I bring it to the living room and I place it on the table. It'll shine with a blue light once the necklaces arrive. The reason I don't personally pick them up is because I can't. It's physically impossible. Anastasia is a very strong and sought after witch for her power. For that reason she isolated herself from the world. No one can find her unless she allows it. She hides herself with spells and enchantments.

I look up when I hear the boys gasp and start moving. They look me in the eyes as their very own cry. They run to me and hug my body tightly. They cry into my torso for who knows how long. I tightly hold them and as I do that I feel our dragons purr and bond. They're truly my children. I feel it but how? How could they have gotten my blood? It could have been that time when they killed me but to take my blood and store it for all those centuries... They must despise us plenty.

"What about a shower? Then we can all go out and buy you two new clothes. Sounds good?" I ask them. They nod as they rub their eyes.

"We're gonna fight with you right? Help you kill them?" Abraham asks.

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