Chapter Two: Alexandra And Tomorrow?

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Author's Note:
This chapter is dedicated to belowsealevel for the beautiful cover she made before the recent one. Thank you ❤️ Go and check out her stories!

I'm imagining Zendaya as Allie (Alexandra)! Of course, you can imagine whoever you want for all of the characters :)

Research tells us 14 out of any 10 individuals like chocolates"

DECLAN CURTIS WAS FINE, much to Allie and pretty much everyone at the café's relief.

And currently, with One Direction's Perfect playing softly in the background, he and Mrs. Durant were sitting at one of the desk in the café whilst Allie and Brett was closing things up seeing that it was already eight in the evening. Apparently, Declan was here because he was about to hand in his resume and was interested in taking the job as a waiter. Unfortunately, the whole fiasco about him turning unconscious because of the dreadful coffee spill got in the way.

"Oh, you've grown so much!" Mrs. Durant chirped excitedly before squeezing the life out of Declan's cheeks. "And you're such a handsome man now, aren't you?"

Chuckling nervously to hide his discomfort at being treated like a little boy, Declan subtly rubbed the painful skin of his cheek and said, "How are you, Mrs. Durant?"

The plump woman let out another excited exclamation, much to his embarrassment for he was aware of Allie's, the girl he happened to have a crush on, presence in the room. "Oh and such a gentleman!" Mrs. Durant then poured hot cocoa into Declan's cup and smiled her infamous motherly smile at him. "I remember how much you loved my hot cocoa,"

Declan smiled, pushing his glasses to adjust them. "I was three, Mrs. Durant," Mrs. Durant had been there for his mom and him pretty much his whole life, according to his mom, that is. Declan didn't really remember much about Mrs. Durant seeing that he was very little when his mom still worked here, but Declan knew she was a kind-hearted woman.

Apparently, the three-little-year old Declan was pretty much addicted to her infamous hot cocoa and once every three weeks or so, his mom would bring Declan over to the café to have the hot cocoa. It was after his parents' marriage, so, it was understandable for Evelyn - his mom - to have to quit working here.

"Nonsense," She dismissed. "Nobody's too old for my hot cocoa. So, tell me, dear. How is your mother and father?"

"They are fine, Mrs. Durant," Declan told her. "Emmet's thirteen now and recently, he'd won an award of excellence at his school. Keith and Joel are two and they're, well, just like any other kids in this world,"

Mrs. Durant smiled warmly. "Your brothers sound very wonderful. I cannot believe it's been long since I've met your mother and your whole family all together," She then took a sip of her coffee when suddenly, she let out a gasp, placing her hand dramatically on her chest as if an idea had occurred to her. "Oh, I have such an excellent idea!"

Declan frowned. "What is it, Mrs. Durant?"

"Seeing that tomorrow's Sunday, why don't you and your whole family have dinner at my house?" She suggested. "It would be wonderful! We'll have cakes, stew and my infamous apple pie!"

Chuckling, he nodded his head. "You got me at cakes, Mrs. Durant. I'm not sure about dad, but the rest of us are pretty much free tomorrow evening. You should go ahead and give mom a call. I'm sure she'll be excited about it,"

And Mrs. Durant went and did just that whilst Declan excused himself. Awkwardly thanking Brett - one of the workers at the café - for practically carrying him to the workers' lounge, he then made his way out through the front door when suddenly, he heard a voice called his name.

And by the way his heart skipped a beat, the voice was no ordinary one.

Turning around with his heart pounding against his chest and sweats forming on his forehead, Declan watched in awe as the beautiful girl before made his way towards him, a smile on her face.

"Declan!" She called again and stopped in front of him, panting slightly for she had ran. The girl chuckled and pushed her dark hair to the back of her ear.

"What is it?" Declan cringed soon after. Even a kid would notice how cold that question sounded. Well, no one can blame him, so it seems. If one were to stand in front of a very gorgeous girl who happened to be their crush, which they knew was totally out of their league, you'd be all over the place, too!

Much to his relief, the girl didn't seem fazed by it but continued smiling and twinkling adorably. "I was going to tell you congrats! You got the job. Mrs. Durant really loves you, it seems to me, of course she's going to give you the job," She told him.

Declan smiled, pushing his glasses up to the bridge of his nose. "That's really good to hear. Uh, thanks, for, you know, telling me," Sensing that this was the end of the conversation, Declan then gave her a curt - and somewhat awkward - nod and turned around to continue when he felt a hand on his arm, causing Declan to jerk back. Merely startled to the contact, he abruptly swiveled and snatch his arm from the girl's grip.

He could never forget the hurt in her eyes when he did so.

The girl then smiled a small one. "S-Sorry. Um, I just wanted to introduce myself to you. Seeing that we're going to be co-workers and all," She then cleared her throat. "My name is Alexandra, but you can call me Allie,"

Alexandra... what a beautifully fitting name.

His stomach did some sort of weird summersault upon knowing his crush's name now. Declan smiled back, still feeling immensely guilty for acting like such a dick. "Hello, Allie. It's nice to meet you," He then watched as Allie cocked her head, a rather amused expression on her face.

"You really don't know me, do you?"

Declan frowned, confused. "What do you mean? Am I supposed to know you?"

Allie laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "You do spend your time at school alone, don't you? We're both studying at Jonathan's Prep! We have Biology together, in fact,"

Oh... Blushing bright red, Declan fidgeted with the hem of his shirt and ran his fingers through his hair, feeling extremely mortified for being so immensely rude to the girl he had a crush on countless of time today. "I... I..." He was pathetically and embarrassingly speechless now.

Chuckling, Allie placed a hand on his arm, oblivious to the fact that that innocent gesture was making him more flustered than he was before. "It's alright, Declan. Don't be embarrassed. I didn't recognize you too at first, you know?"

"I-I'm sorry, Allie. I didn't recognize you without the uniform," He pursed his lips.

Allie chuckled before smiling softly up at him, her brown eyes glittering under the moon and night sky, taking his breath away. "Looking forward to work with you, Declan. I'll see you tomorrow,"

Declan smiled back. "You too, Allie. Good night,"

With a wink and excited giggle, Allie then swiveled around on her heels before making her way back into the café. Standing there and ogling like a love-sick idiot he was, Declan turned around and made his way towards his car with a stupid smile on his face when it suddenly hit him.


As far as Declan was aware, The Little Café was closed every Sunday. Why was she saying that she was going to see him tomorrow? Thinking that he must had misheard it, Declan shook his head dismissively and went in his car and got back home.



Author's Note:
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