The Laurens Pamphlet

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(Smut warning)


"I'll see you on the other side of the war," Burr says, leaving the tavern.

"I'll see you on the other side of the war." Alexander Hamilton sighs.

As Burr exits John Laurens walks in, looking pretty drunk with a miffed Lafayette and Mulligan in tow.

"Soo," Laurens slurs,"what'd I miss?"

"Burr being secretive and dramatic as usual." He rolled his eyes.

Laurens had flushed cheeks from drinking, Hamilton found it super cute. The pink tinge highlighted his gorgeous freckles. Wait, what?

He turned to see Lafayette in a drinking contest with Hercules Mulligan. For some reason, that wasn't particularly surprising.

Laurens slipped his fingers into Hamilton's. He spun on the spot, smiling, to be greeted by a smirking man.

Laurens blushed and led Hamilton outside. They walked a little way down the side of the tavern when Laurens couldn't take it anymore.

He stopped in his tracks and slammed Hamilton against the wall with one hand on his cravat. Hamilton was gaping in shock, but no one was sure if he was red-faced from the drink or the man in front of him.

Laurens stood with one of his legs in between Hamilton's, both of them breathing heavily.

John smashed his lips into Alexanders.

Hamilton kissed back with fire; their bodies moulded together into one. The bitter night air vastly contrasted the heat of their passion.

Alexander took it up a notch, pushing John's lips apart with his. John gasped for air and pressed their foreheads together.

"Come back to mine," John murmured between heaving breaths.

Alexander didn't object. They half-walked half-ran back inside and upstairs to the room John rented.

Of course, as soon as they were inside the kissing resumed.

"Where were we?" Alexander asked playfully, causing John to grab the other man by the lapels and full on kiss him.

Alexander Hamilton accidentally let a soft moan escape his lips as John explored his body with his hands.

"Someone's eager," John remarked, to a glare from Alexander.

Next thing he knew, Hamilton was stripping away the layers between them. The frills of lace and breeches looked much better on the floor in his opinion.

He shoved John back onto the bed before removing either of their underwear. John looked up, amazed at the control his lover was taking.

Alexander straddled his not(yet)-boyfriend, letting his fingers touch every inch of John's gorgeous torso. And John wasn't exactly shy to explore Alexander with his own hands...

Hamilton moved his hands lower down John's waist, letting his fingers slip under the fabric of his underwear.

John moaned a little; the teasing was unfair. Alexander let his hands find little John, and proceeded to jack him off.

John was getting extremely hard when he pushed Alexander away so that he stood up, and removed both of their last garments.

He kneeled before Alexander and let his mouth do the rest. Alexander bit his lip and tried not to make noises that were too loud.


Alexander woke up and knew immediately that he'd slept in. Then a pounding headache hit him, shortly followed by memories of the night before.

He opened his eyes and groaned. An extremely naked John Laurens lay next to him in the bed, and dayum it was an attractive sight.

Hamilton lay there admiring the other man's body until he realised he was also entirely naked.

Oh shit.

John began to stir, opening his eyes adorably and squinting.

"Hey, Alexander....did we..?"



"And it was good."

"It was." John agreed.

There was a pause, until John said, "so what now?"

"Nobody needs to know." Alexander winked and pressed his lips gently against John's.


Well I hope I didn't fuck up the smut too bad ^.^ 😁

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