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Kara's head was swarming with all this new, strange knowledge. Dad had been a god? Well at least he wasn't just some random deadbeat who had left her mom to raise her on her own. Now he was a godly deadbeat who had left her mom to raise her on her own. Great.

And Chiron, the dude in the wheelchair, had told her that her dad's name was Poseidon. Weird. She'd been 'claimed' by him. Whatever that meant. All she knew, is that if she didn't lay down in the next few minutes, she was going to fall asleep in her feet. Or maybe she'd collapse. She wasn't too sure.

After Will had set her up in what he called the Orientation Room, he'd given a sugar cube to eat on. This man must not have kids. Who gave kids literal sugar at this time of night. Or was it morning. But like any wise eight year old, she didn't argue, and ate it.

She put the sugar in her mouth, and it instantly exploded with glorious flavor. It tasted like mint chocolate chips her neighbor Miss Gloria used to make. "But...how?"

Will chuckled. "It's called ambrosia. It's magical."

Her eyes widened in awe. "Really? Cool." Percy walked in then, with a strange expression on his face.

"Kara? You're going home with me tonight." Kara backed away from him. She could hear her mother's voice in her head, warning her. Percy didn't seen like a dangerous guy or anything, but she still had to be cautious.

"But...you're a stranger." Kara's voice trembled a little. Not from from fear of Percy, but at the thought of having to return to the streets.

Percy gave her a warm laugh. "I'm not a stranger. I'm your brother."

"Wouldn't I know if I had a brother? I think my mom would tell me."

"Er...well I guess I should say half-brother. My dad is Poseidon too. You're coming to stay with my wife and I for a little while. You can sleep in Charlie's room."

Who was Charlie? Never mind, she really didn't care. As long as she could have a few hours of undisturbed sleep, she would sleep in the barn if they made her. She only had the strength to nod her head. She was so tired.

Percy looked ready to leave, but Chiron stopped him. "Only one more question little one. What happened to you saytr? Forest? Did he find you?"

Maybe it was the long journey. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation. Maybe it was the deep ache in her chest. Or maybe, it was all of the above. But as much as she tried to fight it, Kara's eyes welled up with tears.

"He-he was my friend. He told me I was special and he told me how to get here, but-" A sob choked her. "There was a scary monster. And he told me to run..."

"Come now dear." Chiron pulled her into a gentle hug. "Go with Percy now, and we can talk again when you're rested. OK?" With steady fingers, he brushed the tears from her eyes in a fatherly way.

Percy looked slightly uncomfortable. "Um- I'm going to carry you. Because of your ankle." She lifted her arms above her head to make it easier for him. With a sigh of relief, he lifted her into his strong arms once again. "Annabeth is going to eat you up."

Her eyes widened in fear. "What's an Annabeth?" She felt Percy's deep, rumbling laugh. "Annabeth is my wife. And she won't really eat you. She'll think you're cute."

She was starting to think Percy wasn't very smart. She didn't tell him that, of course, because her mom had told her never to tell people mean things. But didn't he know that eight year olds weren't cute anymore?

She wrinkled her nose in agitation. "I am not cute."

"Of course not."

Kara fell asleep to the gently sway of Percy's gait before they even got to the cabin.   

A/N: I know this chapter is short, I will add a new one ASAP, bear with me my dear readers. 

XOXO! ~Tessa

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