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*****This chapter is dedicated to , emmybear214 who motivated me to get up off my lazy bum and update. You have her to thank for this chapter. All my love~Tessa!*******

-a few hours earlier-

Percy jerked awake, drenched in sweat, his heart pounding.

"Percy? Are you ok?"

Percy's wife Annabeth sat in the rocking chair in the corner, trying to get their one and a half year old son back to sleep.

"Something's wrong. I saw it. I was dreaming and there was this little girl; no more than nine. She was in the woods, being chased by something...something big. And she was hurt... I- I have a bad feeling. I need to check it it out."

He made his baby seal face at her, as if asking for permission.

"Go seaweed brain! But be quiet. If you wake up Charlie I'll kill-"

"Consider me warned' Percy walked over to Annabeth and kissed her forehead, then bent over to do the same to his little sleeping guy."I'll be right back"

~present time~

As Percy carried the little girl in his arms into camp a million questions raced through his head. Who was this girl? They'd gotten an alert that a powerful demigod had been found out in the Michigan area , younger than most. Could this be her? That led him to another question. Where was her keeper? Why hadn't she been escorted to camp by a satyr like normal? His mind raced as he leaped up the stairs onto the big house porch. Someone had alerted Chiron and he was waiting for Percy there a serious look in his eyes.

"Come Percy, bring her inside. Quickly now." Percy didn't hesitate as he strode through the door into the living room, where he laid her on the couch. "I'll look after her, Percy," Chiron said "you go fetch Will from the med-cabin.

Percy sprinted out the door and made way for the infirmary. Over the years monster attacks had gotten worse and worse. Fewer demigods had been able to live in the outside world especially those born of major gods. Nearly all the campers in Camp-half-blood were year rounders and moved to New Rome to go to college once they'd graduated.Then the Greeks would move back to Camp Half-Blood. Most lived in New Greece, a small, recently built town within the magical camp borders.

Percy knew the path to Will's cabin was very well. While Annabeth had been pregnant with Charlie, They'd made frequent visits there for checkups and whatnot. Including one rather humiliating visit when he'd sprinted to the healer's cabin at three in the morning to tell him Annabeth was in labor. He'd passed out, missing his son's entry into the world.

Reaching the small cabin, he pounded in the door urgently. "Will! Wake up!" Suddenly an angry looking man with tousled blonde hair jerked the door open and Percy fell forwards. "What!"

Suddenly sheepish, Percy scratched the back of his neck. "Uh... new demigod...she'd injured."

Instantly, Will stepped back inside and grabbed his shoes. "I'm coming. And sorry for being rude. You just woke Gwen up." Gwen was Will's five year old daughter. "Aww... geez, man. I didn't even think about that. Sorry."

Will shrugged him off. "It's ok. Just trying to get a good night's rest before tomorrow." Percy gave Will his signature I-have-no-idea-what- you're-talking-about-but-I'll-just-play-this-cool look. He gave Percy an exasperated sigh. "I told you a million times. My little brother Xavier is visiting with his girls."

"Oh right! The guy that ran off with that Zeus girl."

"Jupiter girl. And yes. They live at Camp Jupiter."

Their conversation was cut short as they arrived at the Big House. Percy's heart nearly broke at the sight of the little girl. She was still unconscious, lying on the couch. The poor thing looked younger than he'd originally assumed, about seven maybe.

She looked ragged, as if she'd lived under a bridge for the past year. Her curly black hair was tangled and snarled and housed so many twigs and leaves, she'd left a little trail of them on the floor. Her pale cheeks and hands were covered in little scratches likely from running through the woods. Chiron had propped up her swollen ankle on a little throw pillow.

Will inspected that first. "It's not broken, just sprained. With some ambrosia, she'll be fine by morning. I can't finish my examination till she wakes up though."

The three men looked at each other. They wanted to let the kid sleep, of course, but they really needed answers. With a nod from the other two, Will shook her shoulders gently. "Hey, sweety. Can you wake up?"

It was hard to wake her up. This kid slept like the dead. Finally, after much shaking, green eyes snapped open. She gasped sharply and jerked up. "Where-where am I?" Her eyes looked a little wild, like she expected to be attacked at any second. For a demigod that was a sad truth.

Percy walked over to her. "Hey. My name is Percy. Can you tell us your name?"

"Kara. I'm Kara."

Percy grinned at her, hoping to ease some of her tension. She gave a little smile. "How old are you, Kara?"

"Eight. Where am I?"

Chiron took over at this point. "Will, would you get her settled with the orientation video? I need to talk to Percy for a moment." Will picked Kara up with ease and took her into the orientation room. Chiron faced Percy.

Before Chiron could say anything, Percy started talking. "We need to get Lucy in here." Lucy was the head of the undetermined cabin. It was a sad fact that the gods were already forgetting their promise to claim their demigod children by thirteen. And with more and more pouring in younger, the Hermes cabin had soon overflowed.

And if this child was only eight, she would likely spend many years in the undetermined cabin before she was claimed.

"Percy, while you were gone..."

"What? What happened? I was only gone like ten minut-" Patience had never been one of Percy's strong suites.

"Will you listen to me? She's been claimed. By Poseidon. "

I have a little sister?

Percy Jackson's little sister~Kara's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now