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Keep running, Kara thought, just keep running. Sprinting through the darkness, that was the only  thought that kept her going. Just a little bit further. She clutched a painful stitch in her side, and pushed onward, dodging trees and looking frantically for the giant pine tree on the big hill that would mean she was safe.
Kara scoffed. -safe-. when had she ever been truly safe? Her whole life had been uncertain; never even knowing where the next meal would come from. The only time she remembered ever feeling truly protected and loved had been with Mo-

No, she chided herself. Don't think about her. Concentrate. Find the hill with the pine tree. Then look for the blue farmhouse. Then she would be OK.

Kara's weary eyes scanned the thick foliage. Where was it? Why couldn't she find it? Kara could feel the adrenaline rush that had kept her running start to fade, but another roar of the beast chasing her brought it back full force. She tried to run harder but she was exhausted. Her head snapped back and forth looking for anything that could resemble  a farmhouse. Nothing. Great. On top of being bone-tired, cut up and bruised, and chased by monsters she had to get lost too. To her right she could faintly make out the woodland floor getting steeper so she continued on that way. Things seemed to be going well until her foot snagged on a large root hidden by darkness. Instantly, white hot pain shot through her ankle and she face planted on the rough terrain.


As she struggled to get up something caught her eye. A light. The farmhouse!, she thought. I'm almost there The pain in her ankle seemed bearable until she put weight on it. She crumpled to the floor again as pain once again laced up her leg. Definitely a sprain. She could hear the thundering footsteps of the huge monster chasing her. She had to keep moving. She found a large stick and used it to pull herself up. She then hobbled  as fast as humanly possible towards the light.

The footsteps got closer- she wasn't going to make it. She decided to risk calling for help. If she didn't she was dead anyways.

"Help!! Help me! Someone! Pleese! I need help!" Kara continued to scream as she limped on. She felt weariness from the past months sink in with full force. Moving slower by the second, she could hear the beast getting closer. Closer. The pain was too much; she couldn't handle it. She could feel herself slowly slipping into unconsciousness. Just as she was about to pass out she saw movement up ahead. Lights came towards her. She kept yelling.

"Over here! Help me! Over here!"

She could make out about half a dozen silhouettes in the darkness. The one seemingly in the lead was a tall guy with dark hair .He was carrying a long, cool looking sword that seemed to glow bronze in the darkness. There was another guy next to him with blonde hair and a golden spear. There were more people but her brain was too tired to process them all.

The party had almost reached her and she could tell they were about to ask questions when a loud roar pierced the air.

All of a sudden the creature that had been pursuing Kara for so long burst into the small clearing where they stood and Kara courageously fell on her tush as she scampered backwards. Someone pulled her upright and  she finally got a good look at what had been chasing her so long- at what had killed her only friend.  The beast was eight feet tall-easy. He was wearing what looked to be a chainmail shirt and boxer briefs. He had an ugly bald head with a few greasy strands of black hair combed over his scalp. He sneered. A big ugly sneer revealing slimy yellow teeth. Just as she was about to glance at his eyes she got an unexplainable urge to look down.

"Cyclopes!!" the blonde guy yelled. He looked at the dark haired guy and yelled "Percy, go! Get her to camp! We  got this!"

The one the blonde called Percy grabbed her arm and attempted to walk her out of the clearing, but she fell as pressure was put on her injured ankle. She attempted to use her makeshift stick-cane to hobble off but Percy touched  what looked like a pen cap to the tip of his sword and it turned into a ball point pen. Before Kara's brain could process all this, he scooped her up in his arms and started jogging. Up close, she got a better look at him. Like she'd thought before, he had black hair and what looked to be green eyes with a determined look in them. She thought he might be one of those boring and serious guys but he flashed her a cheesy grin and said. " don't worry kid. You're safe now."
    He had goofy looking clothes that seemed to add to the whole personality. He was wearing blue pajama pants with a goldfish design and a bright orange shirt that said: CAMP HALF-BLOOD. It surprised Kara that she could read what it said. Normally her dyslexia prevented that.

Her last thought before she passed out was: He looks just like me.

Percy Jackson's little sister~Kara's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now