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As quietly as he could, Percy tapped his foot on the front door of his house. 

Tap, tap, tap. He tried again, but once again, silence greeted him. In a loud whisper he hissed, "Annabeth!" Where was she? He recalled her  death threats regarding waking his son  up, and decided to attempt to open the door himself. 

It wasn't like the door was locked or anything, but his hands were currently full with a drooling eight tear old. He shifted her weight again. Not that she was particularly heavy,  but he still needed both hands to hold her (if he didn't want to drop her). Awkwardly, he squatted down a little to get on the same level as the doorknob and reached his long fingers out to it. 

After a few embarrassing seconds of fiddling with the knob, the large door swung open. He was feeling rather proud of himself until he tried to walk in and nearly collided with Annabeth. Oh. Well that made a little more sense. 

 She too, was whispering. "Percy. What was the prob-" Then her eyes fell on Kara, still peacefully snoozing in Percy's arms. She didn't ask questions. Her stormy eyes softened, then took on an authoritative tone. "Get her inside."

Percy didn't need to be told twice. 

Rushing in, Annabeth closed the door behind him. Then she ran to the couch and shoved a bucket load of clutter, baby bottles/toys, and a few other miscellaneous items onto the floor and motioned for him to set the girl there. Quietly, they settled Kara in for the night and carefully laid a Camp Jupiter College blanket on her. 

They didn't talk until they were safely in their room with the door closed. "Who is she?" 

Percy didn't know how to reply. Honestly, he'd been asking himself the same question ever since Chiron had dropped that particular bomb on him. He looked at the ceiling, silently cursing his father. 

Really Poseidon? Another kid? Does your word mean nothing to you?

Annabeth seemed to notice his internal battle and gently asked, "Percy? Are you okay?"

He ran his hand through his messy black hair. Annabeth walked up behind him and began massaging his shoulders. "You can tell me." Her gentle  voice was his undoing and words started pouring out of him. 

An hour of ranting later, he fell asleep, Annabeth's head on his shoulder. He needed to rest...they had a full day tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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