Chasing A Dream

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~Chapter 9~

-Ashley's POV-

"Lizzie. Psst, Lizzie." I tried to wake up Lizzie without waking up my mom. Couldn't do yesterday's wake up routine, that's for sure. I shook her should and whispered some more, "Lizzard!" She rolled over and whispered back, "what?" with closed eyes. "I need you to wake up" I quietly replied. "Why?" She questioned. "Because, it's 10 o'clock and we need to discuss a lot." I replied as if it was obvious. She sat up and ran her fingers through her curly hair, which always looked amazing, even in the mornings. "But we can't do it here." I added nodding my each toward my sleeping mom. Lizzie nodded. "How about we go for a walk?" I suggested. She agreed and rolled out of bed, sliding on her pink Toms. I grabbed my purple vans and we went on a walk around the city. It was nice and cool outside. The sun was hiding and the clouds threatened us with rain as the wind howled in our ears. I smiled, this was my kinda weather. "So, Lizzie, tell me all about your date with Jake." I said, playfully nudging her shoulder. "You tell me about the Camley date first." She said returning the gesture. "What the hell is Camley?" I asked her laughing. "Cameron and Ashley," she said as if it were obvious, "that's your ship name. Duh." I laughed at this. "Okay, okay," I agreed to tell about my night first. "I'll keep it short and sweet. Basically he came and we had matching pajamas which we totally did not plan at all but it was completely adorable. We held hands as he walked me to his room. When we got to his room, he made me cover my eyes so I did. We walked in and when he told me to open, there on the floor, was the set up I've ever seen. He made a fort with pillows and blankets, he had popcorn and candy and pizza, and all my favorite Disney movies. We cuddled close together in the fort as we watched the movies. Let's just say there were a bunch of food fights, a lot of laughter an a LOT of kissing. I didn't leave until 11:00 because we both fell asleep and his dad had to wake is up so that was kinda weird but he was so sweet and cleaned up everything and left the room to let us say goodbye. He told me he thinks he loves me and I told him I think I love him. Then I left and be called me babe." I finished. I was obviously blushing like crazy. "AWWWWWHHH!!" Lizzie yelled, causing people around us to stare. "I honestly can't believe it. It still hasn't sunk in as reality yet." I added, "so tell me about the Jakie date?" I said trying to use a ship name for them. "Haha cute," Lizzie said complementing my attempts. "So, after you and Cameron left I got a text from Jake, giving me 10 minutes before his arrival. I brushed my hair and teeth and he was there. No time for makeup. I started freaking out at first but then I thought, if Ashley can go on a date with Cameron without makeup, so can I. I answered the door and he was holding flowers and chocolate. He told me we were going on a drive so we picked up his car and drove through the downtown and out of the city. We stopped at a gas station right outside of the city and got some snacks and gas. He took me on a surprise picnic for two. We ate Steak and Shake then he kissed me. He packed cheesecake for dessert so we fed that to each other. Then we kissed some more. Then we laid on the hood of his car and just kissed and talked for hours and hours. When it got really dark, he drove us back to the hotel and I slept the whole way. When we got there, he woke me up and carried me inside. Then we met you in the elevator and you took me back to our room." She finished. I could feel tears welling in my eyes. I did it. I got my two best friends together and they're in love. I have Lizzie a huge hug. "Are you..crying?" She asked. I held my hand up to my face and realize I had been crying, "I'm just so happy for you. Happy for us. I can't even believe this is happening" I said as I wiped away the tears. I looked at her and saw she was about to cry too. In the midst of our moment, my phone buzzed in my back pocket, then I heard Lizzie's buzz in her pocket. We pulled out our phones. My text was from Cameron and it read "I know you're most likely on a walk, I know how you love those, especially in this muggy weather. Come back to the hotel and meet us in the lobby. We have a surprise for you babe xx." I felt butterflies in my tummy as I looked over at Lizzie's phone. It was from Jake and it read "Meet us in the lobby babe, we have something for you!" I saw her smile as she replied, "Be right there!" I responded to Cameron with the same thing and we turned around and started walking back to the hotel. "What do you think it is?" Lizzie asked me excitedly. "I honestly have no clue. With Jake and Cameron, you never know what to expect." I replied with the same excitement in my voice. We entered the hotel and saw Cameron and Jake standing in the middle of the lobby, each of them held a sign, Cameron's said "I KNOW I love you Ashley" and Jake's said "Lizzie, it's gotta be YOU." He was so obviously quoting One Direction which was adorable. I ran up to Cameron and jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. "I know I love you too." I said before kissing him. I turned to my right after pulling away from the kiss to see Lizzie and Jake kissing as well. Jake pulled away and looked at Cameron smiling. "Cam, you wanna tell them?" He asked. I turned to face Cameron, "Tell us what?" I asked. "Well, we talked to Jakes mom and the script writers, and we got Lizzie to also be in the AntFarm Jessie special. "But that's not all," Jake continued, "we also got your band to perform on it too! And Ashley, you can sing one of your songs!" He said looking at me smiling. My stomach dropped. The room started spinning. Then I fell out of Cameron's arms and hit the floor, then everything went black.

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