Chasing A Dream

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~Chapter 10~

-Cameron's POV-

I sat by Ashley's hospital bed holding her hand tightly. Jake and Lizzie were in the hall talking to the nurse. I stared at her face. She hasn't waken up for 2 months. The doctor said she fell into a coma when she received the news. But I knew the truth. If I hadn't dropped her the other day, she would still be fine. It was my fault and she could never wake up. I felt myself go lightheaded so I set my head down on the edge of her bed. I didn't know why, but I started to cry. Hard. My phone started ringing but I ignored it. Then it rang again, and I ignored it again. This happened like 10 more times, it rang and I ignored. Jake and Lizzie then came in, Jake nudged my shoulder, "Go away." I told him. "No, Cameron. I'm sorry but this has gone on too long. You've been sitting in that chair for 2 months. You have hardly eaten anything and you only get up to use the bathroom. You need to get up and move, man. Also, the AntFarm Jessie special is airing next Friday and our freaking Zoe is in a coma!" Jake told me how it was. "You think I don't know that!? You think I don't know this is all my fault!! Just shut up and leave me alone. Have Lizzie play Zoe. I know you'd love that, you never cared about Ashley!" I stood up and shouted at him. Jake whispered something to Lizzie, she nodded and left. "Don't you dare say that," Jake said with a dark look in his eyes, "don't you dare say that I never cared about her. I loved her before anyone else did, but she didn't love me. I cared about her long before you did, but she didn't love me. And after I saw you two on your first date, I knew she loved you. I tried taking her out on a date, to see if she would change her mind, maybe love me. But she brought Lizzie, and because I knew Ashley didn't love me like I loved her, I moved on. I let myself fall in love with Lizzie, and I'm glad I did because Lizzie is the best thing to happen to me and I love her. But I still care about Ashley, she will ALWAYS be in my heart and I will ALWAYS love her. I just don't love her the way I love Lizzie. So don't tell me, that I don't care about her. I do. But sometimes, it's best to move on." Jake explained. I saw tears in his eyes and I started to cry. I knew it would be time to move on soon. Lizzie would have to play Zoe and I would have to go and perform and fake a smile at rehearsals. But I was the only one here for her. Her mom flew home to North Carolina a month ago because she had been away too long. When Ashley woke up, because I knew she would, I wanted to be there for her, even if I was the only one who was there. Just then the door opened and there stood a boy, probably 16, about 6 feet tall with short brown hair. He was actually very attractive, which pissed me off. Why was he here? Was he Ashley's ex? Or a boyfriend from back home? Was she cheating on him with me? "Who the hell are you?" I asked enraged. "I'm Chris, Ashley's friend." he responded staring at her new frail appearance. "Well, you better be gay or I'm going to-" I started but he interrupted, "I am." Well that shut me up. I stormed out of the room and down the hall. I just needed a moment alone, to cry.

-Chris's POV-

I had my boyfriend Niall drop me off at the hospital as soon as we got back from Ireland. I was spending the summer with him and his family. Lizzie called me 2 months ago telling me Ashley was in a coma. Being her GBF (gay best friend) I knew that I needed to be here for her. I begged Niall but he said if I was gonna go, I'd have to fly back on my own. Ugh men are so stubborn. When Niall pulled up and I pulled up, I kissed him goodbye and he drove away to rehearsals. The boys had a concert tomorrow night so he had to go practice. I quickly ran inside and asked the lady at the front desk where I could find Ashley Weston. She led me to the room, so I thanked her and walked in. When I walked in, I saw Cameron Boyce and Jake Short crying. They were both heated as if they had been arguing. Dating a superstar singer, I have met lots of celebrities and have learned not to fangirl when I saw one. This wasn't the time or place. My eyes found Ashley laying helpless looking in her hospital bed. Out like a light. "Who the hell are you?" I heard Cameron snap at me. I explained who I was and that I was gay. He just stormed off . "He's just mad because he feels responsible for Ashley being in a coma. Nothing personal." I heard Jake say. I nodded and looked at Ashley again. "What..what happened to her?" I dared ask. "I did it." I heard a voice from behind me say. I spun around and saw Cameron standing there, staring at Ashley. "No, I did it," Jake said looking at the ground, "if I didn't suggest that they sing one of Ashley's songs on out show, she never would've fainted from panic." Jake admitted. "But you didn't drop her!" Cameron said kicking the wall. Ashley's heart rate increased rapidly and she started twitching. Jake ran out of the room looking for a nurse. Cameron ran over. I heard him whisper to her "I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me. I love you so much. You'll be okay babe. You'll be okay." He kissed her and moved her hair out of her face. "I love you Ashley. You'll be okay." he whispered one more time. Ashley continued to twitch and I'm no doctor, but I think she was having a seizure. Doctors and nurses came in, some of the male nurses had to pull Cameron away as they put a bunch of needles into her arms and pushed in different drugs to calm her down. After a few minutes, her heart rate steadied and the seizure stopped, the nurses added more drugs to the arm and then left. Lizzie came in 10 minutes after Ashley's episode. I stood up and hugged her. I haven't seen her in years and it was nice to see a familiar face. She looked at Cameron, who was next to Ashley's bed sobbing to himself. Lizzie cleared her throat, "Uhm, hey guys. Last week I actually realized what happened. When Jake brought up singing one of her songs, she freaked out and fainted, falling backwards so she fell out of Cameron's arms." she explained. "But why? Why does she have such a problem with songs? When we were hanging out the other night and you brought it up, she said she didn't wanna talk about it." Jake stated. Cameron looked up about to question the "other night" thing but decided not to. "Well," Lizzie started to explain, "when we were younger, she always wrote songs. But then, one year, our grandfather died and she just became depressed. He loved listening to her songs so she promised not to write another song. It's been a year now, and she hasn't touched her any of her song notebooks. When she heard that she'd have to be singing, she freaked out and yeah.." Lizzie finished. The room went silent. "But lucky for us, I found her old song notebooks in her suitcase. I guess she's been reading them recently," Lizzie said looking down. There was a stack of 4 notebooks chock full of song lyrics. Lizzie gave one to each of us. Cameron sat up and took it, flipping through the pages of a notebook titled "The Memo." He smiled for the first time since I've been here, according to Jake the first time in months. "These are good." Cameron said smiling. "Ooh!" Lizzie said tapping on a page in the notebook she held. "This one is my favorite! It's the last one she wrote, before..." She trailed off. "Well let's hear it!" I said trying to lighten the mood. Lizzie looked at the lyrics nervously. "Lizzie, she won't know." Jake put his hand on Lizzie's shoulder, nodding his head toward Ashley's weak body on the word "she". Lizzie nodded and cleared her throat. "No more time for wishin, prayin, or believing. Don't believe in love or happiness, not anymore. Knowing all the good things always come to an end. So we keep driving, down heartbreak highway." Lizzie finished singing the chorus. "Guys!" We heard Cameron scream, "She just squeezed my hand!" He affirmed with excitement. We all perked up and flipped through the pages of Ashley's notebooks, picking out songs and having Lizzie sing them. Each time she sang, Ashley made little movements. "This one is my favorite!" Cameron said handing Lizzie a notebook. Lizzie read it and smiled. "She wrote this one while we were here actually.." Lizzie said with and smile, "She wrote is about you Cameron." Cameron's face lit up and he begged Lizzie to sing it. Lizzie nodded and began, "Cause you're the reason I roll out of bed each day. The reason why I wear this smile on my face. Without you, I'm broken and empty inside. So baby give me another chance, another chance to make you stay." Lizzie finished. "Wow, Liz, that was great." We all turned our heads to the girl in the hospital bed.

Authors Note:

Hey guys! School and soccer is starting back up and I already know I'll be really busy with projects and homework and soccer and volunteering for BETA club and shit. So I probably won't be able to update for awhile, you know how I do 5 chapters at a time. But could you all do me a favor and read "A Gay Cameron Boyce Story" by 1teamcameron? He's my best friend and whether you're gay or not, that fanfic is by far the best I've ever read. Pretty soon we'll actually be writing one together yay! Anyway, go read his story, I swear you won't regret it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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