Chapter 24- Mother daughter time.

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After Biology, I just wanted to be alone. Everyone from my Bio class kept asking to see my mark or kept asking if Demetri and I mated yet or when our mating ceremony would be or what the royal family was like. Basically they were drowning me with questions which I would rather not answer.

I ended up getting angry and telling them to leave me the fuck alone in those words exactly and they did leave me alone.

Dallas walked me to the library where I would spend my second period and depending on my mood, my third and fourth periods too.

Sitting at one of the tables in the far back corner of the library, I pulled out my laptop and scrolled through my twitter page.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" A voice asked from before me and I glanced up to see Monique looking at me with concern.

"Shouldn't you?" I asked in response leaning back in my chair as she took the seat before me.

"I'm ditching, Damien is coming to get me in a couple minutes." She informed flicking back her hair and stretching out in her chair causing her heels to brush my legs.

"Good for you." I stated rolling my eyes and going back to work. "Besides not wanting to see anybody right now, I haven't finished ms. What's her face essay and I'm not in the mood for a detention so I'm not going to class."

"What are you talking about?" Momo asked looking genuinely confused "we have Chemistry now."

"No, we have English now." I disagreed slowly, looking at her with squinted eyes.

"No Jessabell, today's Monday, you have Biology, then Chemistry then Sociology then a free period." She explained.

What the hell?! I brought books for Tuesday, well my biology is kinda always in my backpack but the rest of my note books are at home, I only keep text books in my locker. How the hell did I not notice when I was in Biology with Dallas?! Oh that's right Demetri's cheap stunt further messed up my brain and I was both too angry and frustrated to notice anything.

God damn it! My mind was so shattered after dealing with Demetri all Christmas and then what happened at the mall, then with Madam Leveau and her plans for me I completely spaced out for school. I wouldn't be surprised if I wrote the wrong essay for literature class.

"Bloody Fucking Shit!" I growled and due to the almost empty state of the library, the sound of my growl and the angry curse words I said in frustration bounced off the walls and shelves of old books and echoed through the room.

"Miss. Archer! That language is not tolerated in this library." The librarian said in a hushed but stern voice.

"Way to go Jess, you pissed her off." Monique said looking at me with disapproval as she flicked her dirty blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Fuck her." I seethed angrily. Stuffing my things into my backpack and pushing back my chair as I angrily stood up.

"Where are you going?" Monique asked standing up as well.

"Somewhere." I snapped swinging my bag over my shoulder and marching towards the doors.


"I don't know." I said frustratedly "I just.... I need to..... I have...." I stopped not able to form a complete sentence as my vision blurred as warm tears gathered in my eyes and I had to lean against the wall beside the door to stop myself from collapsing.

My breaths began coming in rapid pants that hurt my chest as I began hyperventilating and fighting to breathe properly.

"Oh my God! Jessabell!" Monique shreaked pulling my bag from my shoulder and rapidly rummaging through it for my panic attack medication.

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