The beginnig

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Once upon a time 2dee had a son of which lived with him because his ex is a bishizzle who can't take care of her own creations. They now lived togehter with the rest of the band and other crazy characters.

"Good morning my homies." recited Kendizzle as he broke their 5096th door.
"Dammit kendisl why must you break all our dOrs." Russelsprouts screeched.
"Lol got ee." Kendall memed.
"Get hte frickcle out of our humble abode." cried Murfdoc bursting thru the wall.
"Curse u." said Kdogschmidt as he disappeared into the distance.
"G'day Nudles." said twodicks in british.
"Hey dad where's Mudrdock?" asked stUey as he walked into the room with his old-ass teddy bear.
Twodee gasped loudly as he remembered that he was supposed to suspiciously be dragged to the basement by said pickle daddy.
At that 2donger dropped to the ground where MurF dragged him downstairs quite suspiciously and everyone stared before doing other stuff with their lives.
"Hey you guys shuld have le sexy times." remarked Windings the Evee, who was layin on the couch.
"Wow what a gr8 idea." said towD.
"That's what we were gonna do u fukin sod." said muRd angrily.
"Oh yeah." replied 2ood.
And so then thhey went to some roomidk and had da sexy times n 2dongs did sturf n it was rly kINky but also v cute 2 bc the internet has too much of tehis shit

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