Medical Insurance

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The next day erryone went 2 da doctor bc Stuey is but a growing child who had no medical insurance with his b1cthy mom.
Murdoodly reluctantly introduced them to his rude soccer-parent coworkers: Deborah, Susan, Pamela, and BOB. (They'd already met Linda, Helen, and Wanda, so they didn't need introduction)
It turned out that Stuey was p healthy + 2D didn't have chlamydia so they all went home. Murdo was jus glad that Linda + all her stuck-up frends weren't total jerks (and also that 2D wasn't like completely diseased)

Wen they got home WIndoo had made them all some sadwitches. However, Oplatky had eaten them all so Brussel Sprouts chased him around the hose for 20 minutes

"Sry bout that." Wendywoo apologized, "I'll make some grilled cheeze."
N so she started constructin tha grilled chez
"I love cheeze!!" excmaied Shtu shut
"OMG SHYTooP WUT HAPPENED 2 UR E YES??" asked Gofretler
Indeed, shtuey's eyes had turned some weird shade of plain white, kinda like 2dee's were sumtimes
"Don't worry," defendd Kendizzle, "is just puberty!!!"
"That usually donest happen???" asked Lorenzo
"Ya but it can b genetic nwo, scene 2 doof's eyes were already messed up when he was b0rn." Kendlee said scientifically
"O, so that's why I have all oF thse voice cracks" realized Shtui
"dUd3, ur alredy 14, wut took so long??" asked Wendi, who abandoned the grilled cheese
"I j UsT hA D gR0wTh SpUrTS 0kA Y??" he wailed w/ his practically pubescent voice
Windy patted his head. "DOnt worry, w3 w0nt judge you."
"Most of the time." added Demeanor.
"He sTiLl hA s G 00D gRammaR!!" complained Stuey. "wHY D 0 I hAve to soUND bAd??" he began to sob.
@D somewhat awkwardly picked up Shtoup and put him on his lap, but he kept cryign, because tho he'd hit puberty, the poor child still had the mentality of a 3 year old.
After about a min 2 duplo quietly carried a still sobbing Shtu out of the ruuum. The author ran after them, bc Stuey is basically her husband. Oh, and a side note, the author also gained proper grammar alongside Demon-kun.
"Now that's ove3rr , let's eat some griled cheeze!" exclaimed WIndy
And hey did. Wxcept Wfafflels, who was locked in the laundry basket of shame for eating all of the other sandwhiches.

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