Moods and Toods

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'Twas a fine, sunny afternoon, except for the fact that the entire house was fingeylfricken pink er sumthin.

Gofry and the Wendywood had blown pink paint and memes all over da house.

Them aside, Murdiddly had decided to round up 2dizzle for another round of da sex

"Wow what a great day for da sixis KINKY SHIT." he remarked

"Ya whatevs." said 2oods.

"Shut up fcaeache ur such a nob." Murdingle insulted, making 2doof cry.

"O jeez." he muttered, feeling bad for the poor guy. However, he's Murdoc fucking Niccals so he had no idea how to apologize and 2duplo depressingly dragged on thru the first 10 minutes of le smexy tems

Demeanor Although went through the day triing to scrape memmes off the wals, to no avaal. Wolfdingle had done some vod000 shuit thta made them stay

at dinner that nite Helen and Linda came over and poisoned everyone with their gosipp schtuff. Dose fuukk0rds brought there sity pastries that nobody rly ate bc they're disgusting

"Damn Helen what do u put in these sthings?" MurDOODLY asked in horror

"How dARE YOU!!1!!1!!!!!1" SCReached Helen

"God Helen piss off." complained Demon Algonquin. Helen ran away.

"Gud riddance." said Windings as she sipped her bleach latte

Shtu shtu shyly walked in. "Hi." he muttered, blushing.


"GASP" said everyone even tho a lot of them didn't care

Stuey ran away frum embarassment

"O gosh diddly darn." said the author as she realized their SEKRETS HAD BEEN REVELAD. In horror, she ran away\

Windings felt wuite guilty after that horrible chain o' events so she went to apologize to Shtoup

"Hey Shlurpderp I apologize for revealing ur secrets." WendiI said

"It's ok." said ChickleSthu

They hugged emotionally, and all was well.

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