The Death of Murdoc

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On a fine Munday evenig, the illness gods cursed Murd w/ a cold and he complained all nite
2-Sturt tried to make him fel better, but unfortunately he was 2 stoopid to  understand that showering sum1 wif love & afecshun will not lift a cur$e. He did it anyway tho.
Murdingdong complained for liek 10 minutes, but then got used 2 it and in his pain + deliriousness just kinda clung onto 2 dees like a baby koala er sumthin. 2ood was obviously v happy and kind roleld with it.

Then knedall and russel came in drunk. Not like just above legal, but liiek aiaiaiai druunkin. Russel's farm had made some ca$hes mons and they had spent it on beer and tequila, also kendall bought some chocolate wine with eggnog ('tis the frickin seasons faceaches).

"HEYYYYYYYYYYY guyyyys@2223@!!!" elxained Kendizzle
"Oh no." sighed Damon.
"aNd I thought i was b@d." added Murdo, who was still clingin onto 2 dee and was honestly kinda scerd now. 2-gizzle awkwardly patted his hed.

"Anyone want to get a little woaooazyyi?" asked a tip psi ROsuel
Winding came in and threw an eel at them and suddenly they were fine, but forgot wut happened
"O look, chocolate!" cried KEndoll, grabbin the wine
"NOOOO OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO!" WAiled WIndoo, n she snatched it way
"aW." siaghed Kendall. Wings thru another eel nd soon it began to rain
"WHY IS IT RAINING INSIDE THE HOUSE?" Asked Demon over the roar of the rain.
"I've lost control over the story!" wailed the author in despair.
"HEHEHEHE YES YOU HAVE!" Says the Weird Co author, although he really didn't do anything except look up Waffles in other languages, write stupid parts about radiation, and crap like that.
"So, what is going on?" ASked kendiscele.
"I think that a new universe is being added that was mentioned before, but I'm not sure." replies a tired author.
"wHERE'D tHAT EEL g 0??" asked WIndo
"FOUND IT!" SCreeched KEndl, throwing it back @ her "U GOTTA RIDE DA EEL, SPONGEBAWB!!!""!"
With that, the new universe officially came into being.
Ot of nowere, two guys with pineapples stepped into a partal of cinnamon and the Psych univorse was officially added to the au.
"MERU CRISUM!" Shawn yelled
"Dood christmas was tf2 weeks ago." said Kendl

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