Chapter 1

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Casey's POV
       I sat alone on my soft mattress. My black bed sheets and comforter crumpled up into a pile at the end of the bed.
      I sat up straight, and a yawn escaped from my mouth. My arms stretched wide and hair in a mess. I get up and walk into the bathroom, which is surprisingly clean. Compared to my room anyway. My clothes were scattered across my floor, and there were more books on my table than I could count.
     I turn on the water in the shower, and let it warm up. I take off my tan sweater and my fluffy, pink pajama pants. I throw them onto the floor and then take off my bra. Last I take off my underwear. I throw both onto the floor. I look out the door and close it. I walk into the walk-in shower and immidiatly I'm hit with the hot water. It sends a tingling sensation down my back. I step all the way into the water. My hair becomes soaked with the warm liquid. I stand looking up at the ceiling for a while, letting the water run through my hair. I grab the shampoo and conditioner and squirt it into my hand. I rub the gel-like substance in my hair until it becomes white and foamy. Every time I use it, it makes the whole bathroom smell like strawberries. I liked taking showers in the mornings. It helped me stay calm throughout the school day.
      I rinse the soap from my hair and run my hands through it. Its soft and silky. Maybe its Mabeline?😂
       I turn the water off and step out, grabbing the towel hanging from the silver rack. I dry off my body and hair. I wrap the towel around my chest making it cover my naked body.
       I turn and face the mirror, which reveals how I look. I look good. My long brown hair flows to my lower back, and my brown eyes sparkle in the light. Tyler had the same brown eyes only his were more cloudy. He seemed to be more focused on football than school.
     I grabbed the blow drier and ran it over my hair a few times. It dries quickly. I grab the bright, pink brush and run it through my hair too. My hair no longer has any tangles. I like to do my hair like every other girl, with a part to the side.
    I walk out of the bathroom and close the door. I walk over to my dresser and grab new bra and underwear. I also grab my blue "pink" shirt. Confusing right? I also grab some cute floral shorts and my Jordan's.
           » Picture above «
    I start walking towards the door and I grab my backpack. I hear a noise downstairs.
    The door swings open and Tyler is standing in the door way with his arms crossed. He's pissed. I don't know why, but I'm sure I'll find out in 3......2......1......
    "We are going to fucking be late, if you don't get your fucking ass in the damn truck!" Tyler yells.
     "I'm ready. Are you on your man period? Again?" I laughed.
   "Men dont have periods, dip-wad. Now get in the fuckin truck."
    "Wow. Its sarcasm dumb ass." I laugh again.
   We walk out the door and climb into Dason's black, shiny Dodge Cummins.
     "Hey Lil mama." He greets me in the weirdest ways.
     "Start the fucking truck, and lets get to school." Tyler retorts.
    "Damn Tyler. Why so pissed?" Gage adds.
    "None of your fucking buissnes, G."
     G is Gage's nickname. We all have one. Dason's is Day and mine is C. Tyler's is Tye, but I wasn't going to call him that today. Mostly because he seemed completely pissed.
    "Fine. I'll fuck off bro." Gage answered. "In fact I think I can speak for us all when I say, nobody needs to bother you right now."
     "Mhhmmm." Me and Dason comment.
   Tyler rolls his eyes and slumps down in the front seat. I am sitting in the back with Gage. He's nice and cool. I don't really know Dason that well, so it makes me nervous hanging out with him.
      Dason drove us all to school and we got out by the front doors. The place was crowded. There was barely enough time to make it to class. We all hurried to get to class. Me and Tyler had majored in Doctoring. Dason and Gage majored in law. Haley majors in beauty, of course. She is super pretty.
    Tyler and I walked into class and sat in the back row. Both of us pulled out our textbooks and started listening to the lecture.
             -----after class-----
    After class Tyler, Gage, Dason, Haley, and I all met up in the courtyard.
    The courtyard was where everyone met up. The bad thing was that this was also where all the couples had a make out session. Not that it was gross, it just made me wish I had a boyfriend. I don't know why but lately Tyler has been on my list of liked guys. I've known him forever and still am getting to know him. He's in his mood today though.
      We all decided that today after class we are going down to the skate park. Except Haley. She was voted out.
       Tyler and I now had different classes at this time. I went to learn about the body and personal hygiene. Shit like that, and he went to football practice. I always hated when he did because Amanda was there. She was the head cheerleader. Tyler used to date her until last year. Then Dason took her. She was like a football, waiting to be passed around. She was an absolute slut. Not saying that's bad because, well, lets face it, so am I. She just had a bitchy attitude too.
      After class we all met up at Dason's truck. I sat in the front, Tyler drove, and Dason and Gage sat in the back.
     We already had our skateboards in the back of the truck. Last time we came here we just left them. As we arrived, we looked around and saw that the place was crowded. Of course it was, its the city skatepark. Bloomington was definitely crowded around the campus.
     We all jumped out of the truck and grabbed our boards. I'm the only girl here that's actually gonna skate. No girl skates here. The only girls who come here are sluts, who sit at tables, with guys, and have a make out session. No joke.
      We walked into the entrance and saw about three people we knew from school. They weren't cool though, so Tyler didn't want to talk to them. Tyler didn't want to talk to anyone. We all went to the half pipes and did a few stunts and tricks, then we went to the rails, and then the rest of it. By the end of the afternoon, Tyler was more relaxed.
     Tyler went and sat down at one of the empty tables. He slumped down and ran his hands through his hair. He rested his forehead in his palms. I could see him take a big breath. We all went and sat around him, laying our boards against the wall. Dason sat across from Tyler and Gage sat on the left of Tyler. I sat on his right.
     Tyler raised his head and a tear ran down his face. What was wrong? He sat up wiping the tear away.
     "Are you okay?" We all three said in sync.
    "I'm fine. Let's go. I gotta get home." He answered.
     "Tye, that's not true. There's something going on." I told him.
      He shot me a look that told me he'd tell me later and that he didn't want the others to know.
     The car ride home was silent. No one dared to speak. It could've been too silent except that in the middle of it all, the truck engine was purring.
     "Thanks for the ride." Tyler and I said to Dason.
    "No problem."
    Tyler was my neighbor, and we both went to each others house a lot. He usually came to mine to watch Netflix with me, or to eat. He never liked being home alone. That's why we are neighbors. I usually went to his house when I needed company, or if I wanted to go swimming. I had my own pool, indoor, but I liked swimming with him better.
      Tyler went to his house, and I went to mine. As the truck drove off, I watched it. The black bumper dissapeared and I heard Tyler walking over. He came inside and sat down on the couch. I went and sat beside him. The soft, black material sunk in. It was very comfortable.
     "You know how I've been flunking in school?" He said.
       "Coach told me that if I don't get my grades up, he's not going to let me play in the next game."
     "What? He can't do that! Can he?"
        "I guess so? He did."
     Tyler slumped down and layed on the couch. I got on top of him, pinning him to the couch. He started to speak.
    "What th-"
       I kissed him.
     "Everything will be okay. I'll help you study." I wrapped my arms around his neck.
        "What the fuck is wrong with you?! C, what the fuck? Why'd you do that?" He sat up and released my arms from his neck. I strattled him.
       "I thought you'd need some cheering up?" I smiled and laughed.
    "Wow. So you kissed me?"
       "Ya. I don't know I just felt like it?"
    "It worked."

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