Chapter 4

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     "What the fuck!" I hear a familiar voice call from the doorway. "TYLER! CASEY!"
   I flutter my eyes open to see Dason standing in the doorway, and boy does he look pissed.
    I look down at my body and soon become aware that I have absolutely no clothes on. I pull the sheets to my chest.
    "Tyler!" I punched his arm.
     "Fuck, Casey! What was that for?" He groweled.
    Tyler looked up and saw Dason. He immidiatly sat up against the headboard.
     "Dason? What the fuck! Why didn't you knock?!" He yelled.
    "Well..... I don't know? Maybe because I thought you'd be the only one here!"
    "Oh... right." He looked down and then shot a glare at Dason. "Wait. why the fuck are you at my fucking house?" He yelled.
    "I need to tell you something..... Alone." Dason shot a look my way.
     "Well let me get dressed first. Ight? Get out." Tyler said in a calm voice.
      Dason walked out and shut the door behind him.
     "Tye? What's going on?" I asked.
    "I don't know. I'll find out. Get dressed 'ight?"
   I got up and walked beside the bed. I bent over to grab my clothes.
    "Mmm.... Fuck you look tasty." I looked back to find Tyler staring at my backside, biting his lip again.
     "Oh shut it and get dressed. " I said.
     He got up and walked up beside me. He grabbed his boxers off the floor and put them on. Then his shirt and jeans.
    I put on my thong, bra, and everything else. I felt my cheeks flush as I turned and saw Tye in the doorway looking at me lustfully.
    "Go figure things out. I have to get home." I said.
   "Don't go. Please. We can watch a movie. Just wait here and I'll be back and we can watch anything you want."
   "Anything?" I asked raising one eyebrow.
    "Ugh, I'm gonna regret this. Yes anything." He walked out of the bedroom and closed the door.
   I could hear their convorsation.
     "We have a situation. Gage was playing around with this girl ,and..... well kinda got her pregnant."
     "He did what?" Tyler yelled.
     "Don't freak out Tye. But she wasn't just any girl.  She was your ex, Anna."
     I could here glass shatter and someone being shoved against the wall.
     "Tyler keep it togather. It's gonna be fine. Let me go! Don't do anything stupid!"
     "I'll do what I want." And with that Tyler came barging in the room.
    He grabbed his keys from a shelf above his dresser and came over to me. Not to lie. I'm scared. He kissed my forehead.
    "I'll love you, baby. I gotta go take care of some stuff. I promise we'll still have that movie night. Just not at the moment."
    "Love you too." I smiled. Fake.
     Tyler stormed out of the room and I could hear his dodge viper, racing down the street.
     "So......" Dason came back into view.
     I sat on the edge of the bed.
    "Spill it. What do you want?" I asked.
    "You and Tyler? Really?"
    "Yes..... why?"
     "Oh nothing. Just thought you'd end up with someone else."
    "Pffttt. Nah." Totally.
    "Look. Here is the truth. Me and Tyler had sex. We stayed togather. We've been bestfriends since before we knew how to say hello, and I don't regret losing my virginity to the biggest player in school."
    Dason's mouth was left open." Wow. Well that was unexpected." He tore himself from the doorway and plopped next to me on the bed. I'm not gonna lie he was very handsome, and I totally wanted to kiss him right now. That would make me a total whore tho. Fuck it.
    I twirled around and strattled him. He looked at me and I felt him get 'happy'. If you know what I mean. He grabbed my waist and I leaned down and kissed him. He licked my bottom lip wanting permission. I granted. We made out for a while and Dason started grinding against me. I did the same. I felt like a total slut, but to be honest, I really didn't give a fuck. I'ma do what i'ma do, and there ain't nothin that can stop me.
    Dason pulled away. "We have to keep this a secret. No one can know."
    "Duhhhh." I said.
    We returned to making out. I released for air.
    "We better go find Tyler. He's probably killing Gage right now." I breathed out.
     "Ya your right. Let's go."
  We got up and walked out the door. Dason jumped on the drivers side and I got in the passengers.  He leaned over and kissed me, grabbing my cheek. I put my hand on his face. His jaw line was so sharp.
     He backed away and started the truck. We drove over to Gage's, and sure enough, Tyler's car was on the driveway.
    We reached the door and heard Gage screaming.
      "Tyler! I swear it was an accident." Gage said.
     Dason ran inside getting in between Gage and Tyler. He pushed Tyler back.
    "Chill, dude!"
    Tyler's face was bright red and his fists were clenched. As soon as I saw Gage slide down the wall onto the floor I ran over. Dason was still blocking Tyler.
   "Gage. Are you okay?" I asked concerned. He looked pale and his firsts were bloody.
   I tried to help him up but he fell back down grabbing his rib cage.
    "Oh my gosh! Dason call 911." I yelled.
     "It's nothing, C. I'm fine."  He winced at the pain.
    "Your not gonna be when I'm through with you!" Tyler yelled.
     "Shut the fuck up!" Dason yelled at Tyler.
      He typed on his phone and then soon after put it away.
       About ten minutes later the ambulance arrived. They carried in a stretcher. They found Gage and picked him up. He screamed at the pain.
     "Gage. You'll be fine. Stay strong. I'm gonna be here for you." I tell him as they load him in the ambulance.
    I sit beside him on one of the benches and the doctor sits on the opposite side covering Gage's face with a mask.
    Dason and Tyler follow in the truck behind us. Both of them look mad as hell.
   We reach the hospital and the doctors unload the stretcher and take him into the emergency room. I hope he's okay.
    "Stay here. I'll call you in when we get him stabilized. " The doctor said.
     "Okay." I felt a tear drop down my cheek and a familiar hand wipe it away.
   "He's gonna be fine, babe. He just brused a little." Tyler says.
    "Don't forget you are the one who got him here." I say.
    "Woah, cold, like ice." He replied.
     He hugged me but I pushed him away.
   "Hey!" He yelled at me, as I walked over to Dason.
     I sat beside him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I rested my head on Dason's chest and watched as Tyler's face went from mad to jealous in seconds.
   "Why are you cuddling with him." Tyler said, emphasizing him.
    "Because he didn't try to kill Gage." I retort.
    "Haha. Loser." Dason says to Tyler, who is mad, again.
    "Oh shut it."
     The doctor comes out with a clipboard.
    "Who was it that was with Gage Shaw?" We all three stood up.
    "Go. I'll stay and keep Tyler form ripping put Gage's throat." Dason says pushing me forward.
    Tyler took a step forward and Dason grabbed his arm.
     "Hell no. You aren't going anywhere near Gage." Dason said.
       I laughed.
    As I walked towards Gage's room, ( 314 ) , I felt a tear slide down my cheek again. I quickly wiped it away.
    I walked into the room and saw Gage laying on the hospital bed with a black eye and bandages wrapped around his ribs.
   I sat on a chair beside the bed and grabbed his hand. He intertwined his fingers with mine.
     "Hey, C." He said. His voice sleepy and edgy.
   "Hey. How you doing?" I asked.
    "I'm good other than, you know, Tyler broke my rib cage."
     "Damn. Does it hurt?"
     "Only when I breathe."
     "I'll set him straight when I get home." I laughed.
     "Tell him I swear it was an accident."
    "Tell me. What really happened?"
     "I went to Anna's party a few weeks ago and we got drunk. Really drunk. And I at have got a little high too. But anyway, we got upstairs at the party and we'll you know that story. Haha."
      "Wow. So you really didn't mean to have sex with her?"
     "Hell no! I would never fuck that bitch if I was sober." We laughed.
     "Good. I'll make sure to get the word to Tye."
     "Thank you." He said.
     "Welcome." I kissed him on the cheek. "Sleep well. Im.pretty sure they are sending you home tomorrow."
    "Great." Sarcasm.

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