Chapter 3

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Authors note;
   So so sorry I haven't been updating. again. I've been busy with school and I've been exhausted. I promise I'll try to update more. I'm on winter break so I'll be writing more and more. Sorry for all the things that are happening at once and sorry for the shitty story but I'm not completely focused when writing this. Oh and also if anyone copies this story in any way I WILL hunt you down and slit your throat........... haha jk but srsly don't copyright any of this story without permission. Love ya'll.

     I let a breathy moan escape from my mouth. Tyler brings his lips to mine and hovers over me.
     "You like that? Don't you?" He chuckles.
    I grab his neck and pull him down on top of me. I can feel his dick against my front side. He's hard. 😊 Tyler started grinding on me. Soon his hands traveled up my sides and undid my bra. It was just me, in only my shorts, no bra or top. He cupped my breast with one hand, and his other hand was against the bed, beside my face.
   He ran his hand down my side and I shivered at his touch. He grabbed my shorts and pulled them off. Tyler threw my shorts on the floor beside the bed. Now I was just wearing my black, lace thong.
    Tyler bit his lips. "Damn... I knew you were sexy, but really? You totally blew me away."
    "Well let's see what else I can do for you." I said. A smile crept across my face.
     I flipped us over to where now I was on top of him. I started unbuttoning his jeans. He bit his lips again, and that really turned me on. I unzipped them and pulled them off. Tyler's hands rested on my hips. Until now. He grabbed me and flipped me back over. Why must we move so much. Eh, whatever. He gripped my panty line and looked at me, waiting for approval.
  I nodded.
     He pulled my underwear off and threw them on the floor.
     "I was gonna ask if I could get you wet, but I guess I don't need to." He smirked.
     Yes, I was extremely wet right now, but you would be too if the sexiest man alive where to try to get in your pants. He kissed my 'v' line and I couldn't help but moan. I bit my lip.
     "Bet I can make you moan louder than that." He said.
    My mouth was left agape. Did he seriously just say that? He looked up at me and smiled, but then returned to kissing my 'v' line. He traveled lower. He kissed my inner thigh and I could feel him breathe against my skin. I shuttered at the feeling.
    He started kissing my clit, and then he flicked his tongue. I got lost in space, and before I knew it his tongue found its way to my entrance. His tongue got deeper in. I moaned trying not to be too loud, but still not quiet.
    He came back up to my lips and kissed me. We made out for a while and I started to pull down his boxers. Before I did, I examined his body. His brown eyes flickered with lust, and his brown hair was messy. He was still perfect. His muscles were tense and his abs were rock hard. Like his dick at the moment. He had a fucking six pack tho!
    He kissed the crook of my neck and licked it. I moaned again. My breathing was pretty steady now.
    He pulled his boxers down and I granted him permission to enter. He thrusted in. I moaned loudly.  He looked at me.
   "Fuck. Your so beautiful, Casey."
   I smiled.
     "There is no one I'd rather lose my virginity to. Tye." I said.
    He moved faster in and out. I moaned louder until I was screaming with pleasure. I breathed heavily.
    He pulled out.
    "Damn babe. Your really wet now." He bites his bottom lip.
    "Fuck." I moaned.
      He grabbed my hips and started to eat me out, again.
     After all was done, we layed side by side trying to catch our breath.
   "I love you, C." Tyler said.
    "I love you too, Tye."
       He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. I layed my head against his chest. He pulled the covers up over us and we fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter. The next one will be longer. BTW Merry Early CHRISTmas.  Love ya'll. Also, tell me what you think of this chapter.😉. I liked it but if you didn't please don't hesitate to tell me. I'll deal with the pain.

Fun facts about me:
  My fav color is blue.⭕
  Fav food; 🍕
  Fav emoji; 😎
  Fav movie; Edge of Tomorrow.
  Also I have 3 sisters and 2 brother in-laws. Also two more sisters that were adopted by someone else.
   My fam is pretty fucked up to. My mom and dad work so much that everyday except Sunday I'm home alone from 11am- 10pm almost a full 12 hours but ya know I've got writing to help me with that. Also I'm single😉😂😂😂 jk well......I am but ...oh ....nvm.
  Love ya'll. Fam.

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