Chapter 2

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    Tyler grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. I was still on him. He kissed me and it turned into a make-out session. He pulled away.
     "Are you pleased?" He asked.
     His eyes were full of lust.
     I rolled my eyes and put my hands on his face. I kissed him.
    "Are you pleased?" I asked him.
        He sat up wrapping my legs around his waist. He stood up and carried me upstairs, to my room. We reached the top of the stairs and he leaned against the wall. He let me down carefully. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed him against the wall.
     "Mmm. Why now?" He said.
     "I don't know? Just feelin it."
     "I like this Casey. Don't go back."
     He opened the bedroom for and pushed me through. He picked me up and threw me on the bed. He threw his shirt off.
     Oh. My. Gosh. He was perfect, his abs and everything. That v line though. 
     He walked over between my legs and pushed himself on top of me. He kissed my neck and made it down to my chest. He lifted me shirt over my head and kissed my breast. He brought his head to mine and we continued our make-out session.
     "We shouldn't." I said.
      "Its not a good time and I really don't think we should."
     "I'm sorry, Tye. Some other time I promise. Oh and please don't tell the boys. "
      "C, I'm not gonna tell the boys. And its fine. We'll do it another time I guess."
       He put his shirt back on and so did I. We sat on the edge of the bed.
     "By the way that thing downstairs, escalated very quickly." He said laughing.
      He bit his bottom lip, and it made me want him more. When boys do that it just makes me hungry for them. Maybe this is why I'm such a slut? I've slept with all the jocks besides my squad. I'm surprised too because Gage and Dason are both so hot. I guess I don't want to ruin our relationship though.
       "I have to go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow." He told me.
      "Alright. Night."
       He walked out of the bedroom and I watched him walk to his house, out my window.
    When he got inside, I plopped back down on my bed and sighed.
     Oh my gosh. Why didn't I let him take me? He's so hot. No! Casey get it together. Don't ruin your friendship.
       I got up from my bed and walked over to my mirror. It hung above my desk, where I usually do my makeup.
      I went to the bathroom and when I came back there was a note on my desk.
      It read:
Dear Casey,
      I'm sorry we couldn't go all the way. I don't know what I was doing. Accually I do. I was going too fast. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I probably sound like a wuss rn, but I honestly don't give a fuck because I'm telling you the truth.
   Remember when I was starting to cry like a little pussy at the skatepark? That wasn't because of football. It was because my father died and I got a call from the funeral home. Since my mom is in jail I'm the only one they could contact. I don't want to go see him, laying there, dead. It'll bring back too many memories. If I do go I want you to come with me though. If you can't come lmk. K? K.

      I walked over to my dresser and pinned the note to my mirror.
      I ran out of the house. I reached Tyler's house and knocked on the door. Not like I had to, his house was basically mine and mine was his.
     "Just a sec!" I heard him yell.
      I heard footsteps and the door clicked open.
    Tyler's face appeared. He'd been crying. I threw myself into his arms and whispered in his ear.
      "You don't have to worry about your dad. I'll be here the whole time and as for going too fast, that can't happen. Tyler I've loved you for about well 18 years. I've never thought I could, but I finally realize it. Tyler? I love you and I'll always be here for you."
      "I love you too, Casey, but let's keep this whole loving each other thing a secret. Dason and Gage would flip if they found out. Also, thank you for being here for me."
    He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tighter. He pulled me all the way inside the house and closed the door. His hold around me got tighter.
       "Why do you like me?"
      "That's a stupid question, C. Your beautiful, funny, smart, and you always make me smile. Like right now."
        "Okay. It's good to know that."
     He kissed my cheek and we walked over and sat on the couch.
       We kissed, and I ended up strattling him, again. Our kiss turned into a heated make-out session and soon turned into Tyler grabbing my ass and grinding on me. Not complaining. Definetly not complaining.
     I felt the bulge in his pants. I wondered how big it really was??? Oh well not everyone can know things the first time.
     He gripped my ass harder and I wanted him. I wanted him now.
    I whispered in his ear,"Take me Tyler."
     "You sure?"
       He grabbed me and picked my up. He walked up the stairs, not breaking the kiss. Once we reached the top I heard a door click and we were in another room. His bedroom. It smelled so good. Like axe body spray and vanilla.
     He slammed me onto the bed. I screeched because of the unexpected.  He grabbed a square packet from one of the drawers in his nightstand. It was a condom.
     "Protection." Was all he said.
     We both laughed for a second. I stopped laughing when his length came into view. He slipped the condom on, and I could've swore I was drooling.
     "Damn." I said a little too loud.
    "What?" He frightened me.
      "Huh? Oh nothing...." I quickly replied.
     He came back down and layed his body on top of mine. We returned to kissing and grinding.
      Tyler took his shirt off, which revealed his mouthwatering build. He then ran his hand up my shirt and upto my bra strap. He moved his hand back down and grabbed my shirt. He pulled it over my head breaking the kiss for a short moment.
    He kissed along my jaw, leaving tingling sensations where he kissed. He kissed my neck and got to my sensitive spot.

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