Chapter 5

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I want you all to know that I'm so proud. I've wrote three chapters in one day. I'm a lazy person so this surprised me.

     I walk out of the hospital room, down the hall, and into the waiting area. Tyler and Dason were standing against the wall. Both had their arms crossed.
    "What's the news?" Dason asked.
    "Broken ribs." I glared at Tyler, who was looking at the floor.
     "Damn. What a shame." He said.
     Tyler chimed in."Ya what a shame. Now let's go." He was still angry.

    The truck ride home was silent. Honestly I didn't like it. I was in the middle of Tyler, who was in the passenger seat, and Dason, who was driving. Also known as Tye, the guy I fucked, and Day, the guy I made out with after I had fucked the other one.
      It stayed silent till we to Tyler's.
     We (Tyler and I)  got out of the truck and I followed him to his house.
     "Go home." He grumbled.
     "No. I need to tell you the real sich here."
     " sich? " He laughed shaking his head.
     "Situation. C'mon if you are going to fuck me, then your gonna have to speak white girl. Duh." I smirk.
     " Wow okay. Well in that case you look totes adorbs in that outfit." He mocks.
    "Wooowww. How cliché."
   "Pùnta. " He says while walking in the house.
     "Did you just call me a bitch?" I fake gasp. "How rude." I mock Stephanie from Full House.
      I close the door behind me and grab Tyler's wrist. I pull him against me. My chest is against his. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer. He kisses me. So much for putting him in his place.
     "Listen." I tell him. "He fucked your ex on accide-"
    "Shut up." He said pushing me against the wall.
     I pushed him away again. "He was high. And drunk. Wanna know tbe exact words he told me at the hospital?"
    "I have a feeling your gonna tell me anyway."
      "Yep. He said, ' I would never fuck that bitch while I was sober.'"
      "Wow? He really said that?"
    "Yup." I said popping the p.
     "I almost feel bad for breaking the mother fucker's ribs. Almost."
     "Heartless. Tsk. Tsk." I say.
    He grabs my waist again pulling me against him.
     "Round 2?" He asks.
   I nod in agreement.

Hayo. It's me! Your wonderful author.😎😂 jk.
   I am very surprised at my ability to write 3 fucking chapters in one fuckin day. Honestly I know they are short, but I don't have the most time on my hands. I'm home alone alot on Christmas break though. Pathetic right? I'm supposed to be with fam not home alone sitting in the dark choosing between writing this and texting one of my fav people. BTW if that person is reading this. I miss talking to you everyday, all day. Anywho, I want ya'll to know that i'ma be adding more 'stuff' in future chapters and I'm really excited about this book! Love ya.❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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