Meeting Dustin

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I hate everyone and everything. There is nothing to do around here except watch Markiplier and Jackcepticeye all day, but thats not what I hate. I hate going to school and meeting new people.

I have to go to school. I have a group of friends I hang out with. Most of them since 3rd grade. I usually walk to school, alone. Same thing as always, wake up, get dressed, grab bag, walk to school. Nothing changes, except today.

I was walking to school and some jerk ran into me. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you, I was just trying to get to school." He says in a freaked out manner. "Yeah, ok." I  say.

"I am. I'm truly sorry," he starts. He wipes his hand on his pants to get the dirt of after falling, I hope anyway, "I'm Dustin." He finishes with a smile.

"I'm Frisk." I don't smile back. His smile disappears. I noticed him looking at my TBT and Septic eye Sam key chain.

" You watch Markiplier and Jackcepticeye don't you?" He says, "I do too, in fact that's all I do."  I Focus on the key chain. It takes me a while to speak, but i find something to say, "I made it."

"Cool," he starts, "so I'm guessing your also on your way to......." He stops as if he wants me to finish his question.

"WCHS." I say, "the high school."

"Me too." He says. I give him a puzzled look. I never seen him before, and we don't usually get a lot of new kids. "What? I never saw you before." I say.

"I just moved here." He says, "but, considering your the first person I met here, can you show me around." I really don't want to say yes. I just want to walk away and not say anything. "Sure" I say. I just told myself I wouldn't say yes. Well I didn't say yes so, sure could count, right?
We walk to school and we talk about Mark and Jack and video games the whole way to school.

When we get to school, it turns out we have the same class schedule. Yay, sarcasm. I hate this.

Now, Lia and Tess are going to tease me and say he likes me and I like him. Even though it's his first day here.

At lunch Dustin sits in our friend group.

He sits next to me.

Lia and Tess look at me with a smile and I give them a look of hatred.

After lunch we head to classes. Tess has different class schedule than me and Lia sits next to Lea in VPA.

Dustin is still sitting next to me and we talk whole class period.

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