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"Anna-Sophia Rosalie Cameron Anderson-Baxter! Get up now!"

"Ugh! I'm up now mom!"

I call Julianne, mom because she's the only mom I remember and it feels right calling her mom. Mom yells to get us up in the morning. Noah and I are both heavy sleepers. I set three alarms to wake me up in the morning, but I usually sleep through them. Mom is very strict about being up in the morning, If we aren't downstairs eating breakfeast by 8:00am she gets an ice cold glass of water and dumps it on us. This only applies on school days. Noah and I call it being 'watered', I've been 'watered' three times in the whole ten years that I've lived here. Noah gets 'watered' almost every month.

"Anna-Sophia, don't make me get the water!"

I put a pillow over my head and groan.

"Ten more minutes?!" I ask

"No! Now!" She replies

I hear muffled voices and footsteps running up the stairs. My bedroom door swings open and Noah appears. He runs onto my bed and start jumping on it.

"Get up now" Noah says with every jump

I dont reply.

"Mom says she has a question to ask us and news to tell us" he continues

"Fine" I reply

I roll my legs out from out under the warm blankets and onto my cozy carpet. Noah hops off my bed and heads back downstairs, I follow him.

"Good" mom says as I sit down at the table

Noah is scarfing down pancakes like there's no tomorrow.

"Slow down there, bud" dad says patting Noah's back

"Noah, why in the world are you eating so fast?" mom questions

"Gotta pick up Kristin" Noah replies

Kristin is Noah's girlfriend, they've been dating for about a year. She's really pretty, she has brown hair and brown eyes. Not the ugly full brown, the deep golden brown. Kristin is also really funny and she makes me laugh a lot. She makes Noah really happy and they're cute together.

"She can wait until we finish discussing things" mom says

"Ugh, kay" Noah replies annoyed

Dad stands up and walks to the end of the table to stand beside mom, he puts his hand ontop of mom's which is resting on the table.

"We were wondering if it would be alright to adopt another child."

Mom pauses, then continues...

"My friend Kate has been talking about this young girl named Veronica, who was recently taken out of her foster home because her caretakers were alcoholics."

Noah and I just stare at her.

"Me and mom have already met the young lady" dad chimes in

I look at Noah and then bak at mom and dad.

"There's enough to go around, so why not?" I say

"Sure" Noah replies

"Great!" Mom says smiling

"She's eleven, about this tall"-dad says holding his hand in the air-"we're probably going to pick her up today"

"You guys can meet her after school" mom smiles really big

"Okay" I say and smile

Noah nods. I look at the clock, it reads 8:21, one hour and nine minutes until school starts. I run upstairs and go to my room, I shut the door. I walk over to my closet and open the door. I grab my floral leggings, white flowy tank top and jean jacket. I get dressed and do my makeup, winged eyeliner and pink eyeshadow with light pink lipstick. I grab my purse and backpack, then head downstairs to the door.

"Hurry up sophi, I'm not waiting forever" Noah says

"I just need my shoes" I reply

I run through the kitchen and into the back porch. I grab my black studded combat boots and head to the front door again. Noah is leaning on the door as I put my boots on.

"Let's go" I say opening the door.

"Okay" he agrees

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