I'm Steve

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I'm Steve

I wake up and roll over. The morning sun is really bright, it nearly blinds me. I roll back over and look at my alarm clock, 7:38 am. I lift up my blankets and slide out from underneath them. I stand up on my warm rug. I grab my favorite pink banned yoga shorts and ombre pink racer back tanktop. I go to my dresser and apply winged eyeliner and a fair amount of mascara. While walking to my bedroom door I quickly change. One more quick glance at my clock and it reads 7:59 am. I grab my doorknob and open my door. I jog down the stairs and into the kitchen. On my way to the kitchen I noticed Noah passed out on one of the couches in the living room. While laughing I grab a fresh banana and put my running shoes on. I peel the banana and take out my cell phone. As I step outside I finish eating my banana. I shut the door and throw my peel in the garbage can beside the door. I dial Nash's number, it rings twice before somebody picks up.

'Nash?' I ask

'Yea' A sleepy voice replies

'It's Sophi'

'Hey, watsup?' Nash replies, not so sleepy anymore.

'Wanna go for a run?' I ask

'I'll be there in five'


'Bye Soph'

'Bye Nash' I say

I hang up and walk to the bush line where we agreed to meet up yesterday. I sit down on a near by trunk and take in the beautiful scenery.

'Hey' A familiar voice greets

I turn around a see Nash.

'Ready?' I ask

'Yup' He replies popping the 'p'

I get up and walk towards Nash. We run for about two hours, asking each other questions in an attempt to get to know each other. He asks a question and I answer and vice versa. So far I know he likes pizza, ice cream, popcorn, wings and tacos. His favorite house pet would have to be a chocolate lab. His favorite wild animal would be a wolf. He likes to hunt, fish, swim and do about anything that involves the outdoors. He plays the guitar and drums, sometimes Nash even write his own songs. He plans on going into the trades or military for his future career. he has one younger brother named Bruce. He's single and doesn't see any girls he likes yet. I don't know why, but that kind of upsets me.

'Hey' Nash says

'Yea' I reply

'Uhmm.. I know this is so soon but uhm..'

Is he going to ask me out? I thought to myself

'Do you wanna come over for lunch?' He continues

'Sure!' I exclaim

I pull my phone and text Julianna and tell her I won't be home for lunch but I will be home for supper.

'Wanna go to my house now?' Nash asks

'Sure! Lead the way!' I reply

I don't know why I do so willingly agreed to go over. I mean for all I know he could be a serial killer and I could just happen to be his next victim. After about a fifteen minute jog we arrive at a fairly large house.

'This is it' Nash says spreading his arms wide

'It's nice' I honestly reply

'Not as nice as your house. Yours is like four times in size!' Nash exclaims

'Yea, okay there.' I laugh

'Follow me' Nash directs

I follow him through his yard to the door. He opens the door which leads to a brightly red painted kitchen. Everything inside looks new. I suspect they have just recently moved in to the house. The sun shines through the window above the sink illuminating the walls which look beautiful.

'Wow this is amazing!' I exclaim

'My mom just painted' Nash says

'She did a beautiful job' I reply

'I know' Nash replies

He leads me through the kitchen and into the living room. Once we get to the living room, I realize there is a young boy about ten years old sitting on the floor playing video games. I sit down on the couch trying not to distract him from his game. The little boy looks intensely at the TV screen while quickly moving the game controls. I'm guessing this little boy is Bruce.

'Bruce shut that thing off' An older man yells

I turn to the direction the voice is coming from. Standing at the top of the stairs is a man about 45. He looks identical to Nash. I'm guessing he is Nash's father.

'One more round Dad' Bruce whines

'No now' Nash's dad says

'Fine' Bruce whines

I watch as Bruce angrily shuts his game off and puts his controller under the TV stand. He turns around fast and runs up the stairs. Before he gets half way upstairs he stops.

'Who are you?' He asks me

'She's my friend' Nash replies

'What's her name?' He asks

'Sophi' I reply

Bruce nods and runs all the way up the stairs without stopping again. His dad who had watched the whole sight slowly walks towards Nash and I.

'I'm Steve' Nash's dad says sticking his hand out

'Sophi' I say shaking his hand

'Where's Mom' Nash asks

'She got called into work' Steve replies

'Ugh' Nash says running his hand through his hair

'Why?' Steve questions

'I wanted to borrow her car' Nash replies

Steve nods just like Bruce did a few moments ago before turning away and walking into the kitchen. I look up at Nash, who looks down at me and smiles. His Dad comes out of the kitchen jingling car keys in his left hand.

'Don't trash it' Steve says handing Nash the keys

'I won't' Nash replies

He leads me towards the front door before shouting a thank you back at his father. He opens the house door for me and leads me outside. The lawn infront of his house is beautifully cut and kept nice. The trees are all bright green like healthy trees should be. I smile, I love nature. Nash laughs and I snap my head towards him.

'What?' I hiss

'It's like you've never seen a tree before' Nash laughs

'I haven't, It's all new to me' I say sarastically

Nash laughs and unlocks the truck.

'I thought we were having lunch at your house?' I ask

'Well, I thought we'd do something else, Is that okay?' Nash asks

'Yea, it's okay' I reply

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