He's a dick

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He's a dick

We pull into my driveway, it's pitch black outside. The porch light and Oli's headlights are the only thing that shows that there is a house infront of us. I stare at the house, it looks silent and peaceful.

"That was a good movie" Oli says breaking the silence

"Yea, it was" I agree

Oli chuckles under his breath. I look at him and we smile at eachother. He unbuckles my seatbelt and leads my hand closer to him. I follow my hand, Oli leans in and kisses me, I kiss him back. All of a sudden, we hear a knock on the window and we both jump. I look to my left and see Noah looking back at me. Oli unlocks the doors and Noah opens my door.

"Thanks for bringing her home" Noah says, not making eye contact with Oli

"My pleasure" Oli insists

I get out and wave goodbye, Noah shuts the truck door and walks me up the walk way. Slowly the lights from Oli's headlights slowly fade as he backs out of my driveway.

"Why'd you two stop being friends?" I ask

"Because he's a dick" Noah replies

"No he's not, I don't see it"

"Oh Sophi, you will eventually" Noah says

Noah opens the front door and we both walk in. I shut the door behind me and take my shoes off.

"Goodnight" I yell

"Night" Noah replies

I think mom and dad are probably asleep because they normally always reply. I run up the stairs to my bedroom. Once inside, I shut the door and go to my closet. I grab a pair of shorts and a tank top, I change and lay in bed. I quickly drift asleep.

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