chapter three: it's official

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the alarm clock ringed loudly, disturbing Matthew's sleep. He was about to go and turn it off when he noticed something, or more accurate, someone, that was in his way. There she was, Stephanie Cordaro. She was sleeping on her side, and his arms were around her waist in a protective manner. "We must have changed positions at night." He thought. At first, when she came into the bed, they were as far as possible from each other and trying not to make any contact. But now? Now they were actually spooning when she's the little spoon and he's the big one. It was really weird. He actually slept really well. Weird how things can change. The alarm went on and on. And the only reason he wakes up at morning is because this alarm clock is really irritating. He finally riched and turned the alarm off, but unfortunately for him, stephanie is turning so she's facing him. 

He was afraid of moving, he didn't want to wake her up. Instead, he slowly lay back down on the bed, looking at her as she breathes in and out calmly. (Not creepy at all).after a while her eyes started to open. When they were fully opened she could see his face really close to her. She gasped and backed away. "Oh my God! You scared me!" She said in surprise. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. But, it's morning and... We need to.. You know... Get out of bed" he said awkwardly. Stephanie nodded and quickly got out of the bed and went out of the room, matt right behind her. She went to the bathroom and Matt gave her a toothbrush so she can brush her teeth. After they brushed their teeth, they went downstairs to eat breakfast. As they sat around the table, Stephanie was in her own world, wondering. "It's weird how things can change. Yesterday, I was just the most popular girl at school. And now, I'm nobody. Suddenly the whole popularity thing doesn't seem so important. It doesn't matter how popular you are right now. Now the only thing that matters is if you can survive a zombie apocalypse or not. Now that I think about it, I don't think I would've been here without Matthew. But why did he help me though?". She asked her self. It was one out of many things she didn't know and needed to know. 

"Matthew?" Stephanie asked."hmm?" He hummed in reply. "Why did you take me with you? Why haven't you left me for dead? After all I've done to you in the past two years, it would be a perfect revenge." She said and he sat in front of her in the table, a bowl of cereals in his hands. "I didn't leave you there because it just not how I do it. True, we don't quite get along, but I wouldn't be able to live knowing that a persons life we're gone by me. I just couldn't leave you there. Besides, if I was all alone in this, I would've probably become mad." He replied and put a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. "What I'm going to say might shock you but... Thank you. For not leaving me to die. For training me to use weapons so I'll stay alive. Huh, it's funny the thought about what's going on. If someone would've told me yesterday that I'm going to say Matthew Patrick "thank you" I will laugh at them so hard it will hurt my sides. But now, I'm actually meaning it." She said. And it was shocking to him. 

Thinking that the popular Stephanie Cordato would've thanked him, was almost impossible. "Well, I'm glad you mentioned training, because you still have to train the crossbow, and maybe I'll teach you a little with a sword." He said and she nodded slowly. After both of them finished breakfast, they went to the basement to practice. "OK Stephanie, now I'll teach you how to use a sword." He said as he shows her all the things and tactics he knows about the swords. "OK now you try," he said and she nodded. He stepped back and she took a few breath in and out. She focused on the watermelon that was in front of her then ran towards it and used the sword to cut it right in the middle to make two equal half of watermelon. "Wow! You are a fast learner.." Said Matt amazed. Stephanie had a huge satisfied grin on her face until she understood what she did. "Huh, poor watermelon." She said with a sad face. Matt chuckled and said "don't worry it'll be fine. Cmon let's practice some more." 

Matt helped Stephanie with her sword and crossbow skills and practiced with his guns. "Matthew, can we take a break? My hands are killing me." Said Stephanie. "You know who else will kill you? The zombies. So we gotta work hard if we want to be good at it."he replied firmly. "Oh c'mon, please? Pretty please?" She asked as she looked at him with puppy eyes. "Ugh fine, but not for long. We have to practice". He said and made his way to the stairs who leads to the upper floor. "Thanks, MatPat" she teased. "Don't call me that!" He said sternly and she laughed. "Shh.. Did you hear that?" Asked Matthew as he put his ear on the door, trying to hear what's behind the door. He opened the door just enough so he could take a look, but after he looked he regretted it right away. Inside the house we're at least ten zombies. 

"Oh no" he said as he closed the door quickly. "What happened?" She asked worried. "There are zombies out there at least ten of 'em. There is no other way to go out." He said as he went to the room where all the weapons we're and took a big gun. "So what are we gonna do? I can't fight them I'm not ready yet. I don't know how to fight properly." She said, trying to make a point. "You can fight, Trust me. From what I've witnessed you are a true fighter and a fast learner. Besides, this is the real thing and don't think of it as a battle against zombies, think of it as a test. Now take the crossbow and the sword. You'll need both." He said as he took Gun ammunition and went to wait for her near the door. Stephanie came next to him, crossbow in hand and the sword on the back. "Ready?" He asked. She sighed and nodded. 

"Three.. Two.. One.. Go!" He said as he kicked the door open. The zombies looked at them and went to their direction. As soon as they were out Matt started shooting all the zombies that were near them and Stephanie shot at them with the crossbow. After a while of intense battle, vicious zombies attacks and dead zombies on the floor, Matt couldn't think about anything to say. They won a fight with ten zombies. As stephanie looked around for anything that can jump on them, Matt was going to the basement. 

Not a long while after he came back with a big black bag, in there we're all sorts of weapons. "What are you doing?" Asked stephanie. "C'mon, we're leaving." He said firmly as he went to his car and put the bag in the back. "Where are we gonna go?" She asked as she followed him into the car. "I don't know. But I think that we're going to visit at your house first. Get a bag, fill it with all the stuff you need, they were out." He replied and started driving. The silence was almost disturbing but their mind was going wild. Never once in their life's they thought they would've win a fight against zombies. Real zombies. Stephanie was about to break the ice but then they arrived at her house and they were already out of the car. 

As they reached the front door they noticed that it had the key at his crack and the door was already open. "That's weird. I'm pretty sure that I locked the door when I went to school." She said and opened the door. They both walked in, a disgusting smell is in the air and the place is covered in a gooey green liquid that looked like blood. "Oh my God, what happened in here?" Said Matt as he walked along the entrance. Then a noise came from the living room.they turned around to look for the source of the noise. As they reached the living room stephanie gasped in shock and put her hands on her mouth. The whole room was ruins and trashed. The same green liquid was everywhere and the tv was broken. The sofas we're torn and all the family pictures we're lying on the floor, broken, like her heart. Tears were forming in her eyes, threatening to fall, but she quickly blinked them away. Then a noise came from the kitchen. It sounded like metal, like a knife. They quietly went to the kitchen looking around. When just out of nowhere, someone took Matt by the hair and put a big kitchen knife to his throat. Stephanie gasped and backed away. She was a femail, seemed about their age with long brown hair. Her face we're covered with the black hoodie she wore. But something was strange. She seemed really like... No way. Could it be? 

"Kylie?" Asked stephanie with a shaky voice. The girl took off the hat of the hoodie, reviling her face. "Stephanie?" Asked Kylie in an amazed tone. She quickly dropped the knife letting go of Matthew's hair. They both smiled and ran to hug each other. "Omg I can't believe I found you!" She said in happiness. "Me too." Said Kylie and her eyes we're watering with tears of joy.

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