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   The first week was terrible. When I closed my eyes to sleep, the nightmares flooded my head. So many horrifying nightmares about Tartarus, and Percy wasn't there to comfort me and I wasn't there to comfort him. I was scared and alone.

I thought about going back, but Braina's voice kept ringing in my ears. "Why are you still here Annabeth? Can't you see, even Percy doesn't want you around." I could never get those words out of my head

   Not only were the nightmares a problem, I was starving too. If Silena or Beckendorf were still at camp, they would never let this happen to me.

   Besides the nightmares and the starvation, I had monsters to worry about. I met about 30 monsters in 7 days. I also met other demigods on my way to where ever I was going.

   But one windy and rainy day was different. I was walking down an almost deserted street when Chaos found me. He found me 3 weeks after I left camp. This is how our strange  conversation went,

   "Hello Annabeth Chase," Chaos said.  

   I was so confused. My first instinct was monster, but he didn't give me that kinda feeling. "Are you Hera in disguise? Because if you are I'm not going to go back to camp and I'm not going to participate in another prophecy. You've ruined my life enough." I said sternly. If this person was Hera, then I'm not sure I would be able to stop myself from punching her.

   "No I'm not Hera," Chuckled Chaos. "I'm Chaos, creator of the universe."

   "Then why have you come to me? Why not someone stronger and more useful?" I couldn't help but to start getting angry. Chaos was coming to me. This is a joke.

   "Because I help and accept demigods in need and you are in need of a good meal, proper training, and shelter. So Annabeth, how would you like to be a part of my army?I would certainly love to have someone as strong as you leading some commanders of your choice."

Could I trust this guy who claims to be Chaos?

The Daughter of Chaos ( Percy Jackson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now