The News-4

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I've been training for 2 years now with Chaos and my commanders. We all had code names for each other. Zoe is Stars, Bianca is Zombie, Luke is Omega, Ethan is Revenge, Beckendorf is Hammer. It felt good to see them all again, especially Omega.
I've been going to different planets making sure people don't break the laws. When they do, I have to kill them or lock them up depending on their crime. I have become the second most powerful being in the universe, so my job is usually easy. I have not been to earth since I left, and I didn't plan on going there anytime soon, until one terrible day...
"I'm sorry to ask this of you Skasila, but Nyx is rising out of Tartarus and Camp Half Blood will be her first place to destroy. You and your commanders have to go back to Camp," Chaos explained to me.
   "Why can't they get rid of her themselves? After what they did to me I don't exactly want to help them! They don't deserve it and they have always been able to win the wars in the past. Why would they need help from us this time?" I asked.
   "Because this time, Nyx is getting some help. She has Kronos and Gaea to help her."
   "But Kronos and Gaea are gone. Luke died killing Kronos and Leo died killing Gaea! How could they be rising again so soon?"
   "Nyx found some way to rise them again. Honestly, I didn't think that she would be the one to rise them again, she's not the brightest.  Anyway, their powers together out match the campers and yours. So to defeat them, you guys need to fight together. And when I say she will destroy camp, I mean she will kill every camper and then burn camp until there is nothing left but ash, and she will be laughing the entire time.  Then she will go for Olympus next. She will throw all the gods into Tartarus as she was thrown in. Then, she will rule Olympus, and soon the world. She will show no mercy to anybody."
   "Alright I will go back to earth. I will explain what is going on to my commanders, then we pack and go to camp." I couldn't believe I was going back. I would have to see him again, with those sea green eyes that burned behind my eyelids when I closed my eyes. As much as I wanted to, I could never forget how I felt about him. A part of me resented him, but another part still wants him. It hurts so bad. I miss him, but I hate him. He broke my heart into a million pieces. He cheated on me. I have to forget him before it ruins me even more than it already has. But it's harder than I thought.
   "Before you pack, you have to tell the gods what is going on. I'll see you when you get back from Olympus." Chaos said, looking sorry.
   Chaos so owes me, I thought as he sent me to Olympus.

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